How He Asks You Out

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This imagine is dedicated to mendessmuffin , who is not only my favorite person currently but also my mom and my twin. so shoutout to you. ily <3

It was freezing cold out, and you wrap your arms around your torso, which was covered in a white winter coat. You were walking around downtown with your group of friends, which included Carter, Taylor, Matt, Nash, and Shawn.

You were best friends with all of them, but Shawn has never really talked to you directly. It's like he hates you or something, or maybe he's just shy.

As you walk, you look down at the ground as you engage in conversation, and soon enough Taylor offers to give you a piggy back ride, which you gladly accept.

You reach a street corner and Matt presses the button while he tells the story of his crazy ex girlfriend watching him through the window, which, admittedly, you've heard a billion times.

As soon as the beeps go off, signaling that it's safe to cross, they all race across the street and you tighten your grip on Taylor's neck, laughing as he pretends to choke.

Reaching the other side of the street, the pace slows and Matt continues on with his story.

"Wait," you interrupt, causing them all to stare at you.

"Where's Shawn?"

Everyone frantically looks around, noticing it was only you, Taylor, Carter, Matt and Nash.

"I thought he was right behind us, dude!" Nash yells, his usual calm, deep voice replaced.

"Oh my god," Taylor drops you to your feet, pointing across the street where we just came from.

Two guys were holding Shawn up against the wall of a building by his neck, repeatedly punching him in the stomach and face.

You watch in horror as Nash and Taylor both race across the street without even pressing the crossing button, screaming at them to get off of him.

Nash gets slugged across the face only once, but then he grabbed that guy by the shoulders, spun him around so his back was facing him, and kicked him in the spine so he loses his balance and falls to the ground.

Shawn, who was weak against the building, drops to his knees, shutting his eyes.

Taylor was beating up that other guy and no one was helping Shawn, so you quickly run over to where they are and sink down so you're level-to-level with Shawn.

You grab him by his temples and pull his face to your view, which was cut-up and bruised.

"Shawn," you whisper, "Shawn, it's me. It's Y/N."

He slightly opens his eyes and then shuts them again.

"Y/N?" He mumbles.

"Yes, yes it's me."

Taking you by surprise, he loosely drapes his strong arms around your waist and pulls you in to him.

He nuzzles his head into your neck and whispers, "When I'm out of this condition, do you want to have lunch sometime? Just us?"

You stroke his dark hair and gently say, "Are you really asking me out while you're half-conscious in the street, Mendes?"

He laughs weakly. "Is that a yes?"

You didn't have time to answer before the rest of the guys come running over, yelling all different things as they help both Nash and Taylor to their feet, and you bring Shawn up with you.

"You don't look so good, buddy," Carter says to Shawn, "We better get you to a doctor."

"What happened, bro? I thought -" Nash coughs, " - I thought you were right behind us."

"Me too," Taylor agrees, blood oozing from his eyebrow.

"That was really dangerous shit you just got yourself into," Nash says, almost like a warning father.

"I'm fine," Shawn utters, grabbing your hand from behind and lacing his fingers in yours.

You look over at him and mouth, "Yes," and he blushes as a smile spreads across his face.

Nash gives you a funny look and his eyes dart from you to Shawn and back.
"Are you two.. ?"

"Hopefully one day," Shawn responds, "Hopefully."

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