First Family Vacation

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"Momma, you lied to us. This is not the way to Grandma's house," your daughter's high-pitched voice whines from the backseat of your family car. "Could you please please just tell us where we're going???"

You chuckle, shaking your head as you glance at your husband Shawn in the driver's seat, who glances back at you and smiles before lifting his head to meet the eyes of your four year old daughter in the backseat.

"Liz, please calm yourself. Mom and I already explained, it's a surprise," Shawn says, sounding slightly annoyed but still amused.

"But I want to know! How long are we going to be in the car?" she kicks the back of Shawn's seat repeatedly, her eyebrows scrunched as she dramatically frowned.

"Mom, shut her up?" your ten year old son, Nathan, taps your shoulder-- rolling his eyes and groaning. Apparently his $100 headphones couldn't even block out the sound of Liz's groaning.

"She's just excited," you assure Nathan. "Aren't you?"

"Okay," he sighs, "I kind of want to know. Like, this is just mean, not telling us where we're going."

"It's mean for your very loving parents to go all this way for a fun family vacation?" Shawn chips in, keeping his eyes on the road as his pals hands tightly grip the steering wheel.

"No," Nathan responds. "That's the good part. The mean part is not telling us where we're going until we actually get there. Are we like, going to Canada or something?"

You feel Shawn's hand shake over yours, and you smirk back at Nate.

"We don't talk about going to Canada in front of Dad, remember?" you bite your lip to keep yourself from chuckling. "Now that you've said that, he might actually take us there."

"Dad wouldn't take us to Canada," Liz interrupts. "It's not a vacation place."

"Yes it is, young lady, and I might just ground you for saying that," Shawn yells, pointing his finger over his squared shoulder.

Liz laughs. "You can't ground me, I'm only four."

"I'll ground you when I want to ground you."

"Okay! We're not going to Canada!" you gesture with your hands. "We're going to a really fun place."

"Is it Disney World?" Nathan asks you.

"It's not Disney World," Shawn answers for you.

Liz gasps. "Is it Disney Land?"

"No," you and Shawn reply in unison.

"How about we play a game?" you suggest, tired of all the complaining. "Maybe I-Spy?"

"Good idea," Shawn agrees. "Nate, you start."

"Okay, I spy with my little eye something... green."

"The trees?" Liz blurts out.

Nathan gasps. "Yes!"

"Okay, your turn, Liz," you say, feeling Shawn's fingers wrap around yours as he raises it to his lips and plants a kiss there. He did it so quickly, neither of your kids noticed and made a comment on it.

"I spy with my little eye something... um... green!"

"The trees?" The rest of the car guesses, all at the same time. Half an hour later, you found yourself still guessing trees. Again and again.

"Are we almost there?" Nathan asks, after you had been in the car for a full 4 hours and twenty-five minutes.

"Actually, yes, we are almost there," Shawn says.

"Damn!" Liz says.

You all turn to her.

"Where did you learn that word?" you ask quickly, your voice raised.

"Heard Dad say it to you when you wore the red dress."

You look at Shawn, who blushes, fully aware you were staring at him when he says to Liz, "It is only okay when I say it."

About ten minutes later, you finally pulled into the hotel in Colorado where you would be skiing all week.


this is an accurate representation of me as a mother okay "it's only okay when I say it"

promo again but maybe go check out my fanfics if you like these??

thanks guys! ilyasfm!!


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