He Hears His Song On The Radio

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Shawn had just released his new single, Something Big, last week, and every day you've been scrolling through the iTunes Charts and watching him climb higher and higher as he scales to the top.

You were so proud of your cuddlebug, and you couldn't wait to tell stories to your future kids about all of his success.

One night, you were sitting on the couch watching a movie when Shawn bursts through the garage door, jumping over the couch and grabbing the remote from your hands.

You didn't have time to react or say anything before he squeals and changes the channel.

"Hey!" You whine. "I was watching that!"

"Sweetheart, listen," He says as he points his finger at the television set, his chocolate eyes full of a child-like wonder.

Right then, you'd realized that he'd switched the tv over to the apple radio, and the main pop station was now blaring through the speakers under the desk it was sitting on.

What was blaring through it, though, was the voice of the boy standing up right in front of you.

"Princess," He places his hand on your thigh without looking away from the tv. "That's me! That's my song, Y/N!"

"I know!" You exclaim as you pull him down to you by his hand, singing along to the words filling your ears.

"I'm so proud of you, Shawn," You say over the music.

He smiles the biggest, goofiest smile before leaning in and pressing his soft lips onto yours only for a second. He pulls away and laughs.



He jumps to his feet, outstretching his hand again for you to grab onto.

"Dance with me?" He asks politely.

You pause before nodding and placing your hand in his, allowing him to pull you up and grab your other hand, stepping side to side and spinning you around, just smiling and having the best time.

He was so happy.

He deserves it.

When the song was over, the radio announcers gave a quick little note about how Something Big was the number one requested song for that station.

Shawn's eyes go wide as he was still holding you to his chest, swaying back and forth.

"Oh my god," He breathes, "This day keeps getting better and better, sweet girl."

"You have some really amazing fans! Calling in requests like that."

He nods sheepishly. "Yeah, I do. Unless. . . "

"Unless what?" You search for his big brown eyes.

He smirks. "Love, did you happen to call the radio station today to request a certain song?"

You shake your head. "No, why?"

Before either of you could say anything else, you were cut off by the male radio announcer who was still talking.

"But the number one requester goes by the name of Y/N, so she must really be a big fan of Shawn Mendes. Shoutout to you, Y/N," He says loudly.

Shawn turns to you, still smirking.

"You, my baby," He laughs, "Are literally the best girlfriend I could ever ask for."

You blush.

He continues, "I am seriously freaking not just saying that. I'm so jealous -" He kisses your nose, "- of anyone you've ever dated before me."

You snake your thin arms around his upper-waist and step a little closer, looking up at him.

"I did it because I love you," You say. "I'm so proud of you, Shawnyboo."

"Hey that rhymed."

"Oh, yeah, I guess it did," You laugh.

"Do that again."


"Do that laugh again," He demands. "It was so cute. Please do it again, oh my god. I'm not even kidding please."

You shake your head, smiling. "You have to do something or say something funny if you want me to laugh."

You hardly had time to finish that sentence before he pulls away, puckering his lips as he starts chasing you around the couch.

You soon find yourself pinned, his fingers on your wrists as he bends you over the back of the couch.

"Do it," He huffs, "Laugh, baby girl."

You couldn't help but giggle at this point, bringing your hands to your mouth to cover it as soon as Shawn loosens his grip on them. He falls over the couch and sits back on his knees, biting his lip as he stares at you.

"That laugh," He scoffs, "I don't know how to explain it."




Oh hey check out my new Shawn fic, "Love Letter"?

It's based off of one of these imagines (or three to be more precise) but I'm changing it a bit so you should go read that (:

That would be my third Shawn fic lmao

Okay bye

- Avey

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