Giving Birth

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You sit on the edge of your low-to-ground bed in your shared apartment, Shawn's freakishly cold toes pressed into the side of your thigh. Almost every position you sat in was uncomfortable, but that was only one of the reasons you couldn't sleep.

You hated to even think it-- you'd been in such anticipation to even process that it was actually happening.

You were four days past your due date.

You can go into labor at any given moment, which scared you more than anything else. You were terrified of the birthing process. It was a hard thing to ignore, with all of the pregnancy guides you'd read over the past nine months.

A lot of people die while doing it, a lot of people have to break parts of their backs or their legs to get the baby out. You were mostly anxious about the pain, though. You've heard that labor is the most painful thing to have to go through.

Shawn-- your roommate, best friend, ex-boyfriend --had promised to stay awake until you fell asleep. The two of you usually slept in separate beds, but in the same bedroom.

But tonight, you woke him up by screaming every time your baby boy Junior kicked you, and continuously getting up to pee, and fixing a bowl of cereal, dropping the milk in the process. Also, you whisper-yelled to him asking if he was awake, laughing at his groggy response, "I am now."

"I can't sleep," you had said, "I'm too nervous."

"Yeah, no, I got that," he said, groaning. "You might as well have walked in with a marching band and Matthew Broderick singing Twist And Shout while I hold a gun barrel to my head, sleeping soundly, obviously."

"The sarcasm isn't helpful, I'm dying here," you whine.

"Maybe you shouldn't have gotten pregnant, then."

"Maybe you should've drank less and used a condom."


You rolled your eyes. You two had been pointing fingers ever since you found out about the pregnancy, but Shawn wanted to be there for his baby and apart of his life; so you two eventually decided to move in together. You thought that it might be weird, but it surprisingly wasn't-- you only seemed to hate each other from the hormones and lack of sleep.

"Seriously, I'm freaking out here, Shawn. At any second, we could be parents, and I'm not ready! But, I am ready, I want this thing out of me. But it's scary."

"Shut up, I've heard all of this! Go to sleep, sweetie. You need it."

"I-- "

"What will it take for you to go to sleep?"

And that's when you told him it might help if you weren't alone in your bed. Back when the two of you were dating, you always fell asleep instantly when he was there. It was something about his sleepy presence that was peaceful enough to automatically put into action the thought of a slumber for yourself.

And so he did, he walked across the thin carpeted floor of your bedroom and eased down onto your bed knees-first, pulling the covers up to his neck.

You could hardly see him in the dark, but the moonlight from the window was about enough to make out some features, like his dark eyes and the shadow of his nose on his cheek.

He vowed not to fall back asleep until he did, his hands on the duvet, slightly grazing your hip bone-- making their way to your stomach. His hands softly caressed the skin there, waiting for a kick from Junior that never came.

He must've fallen asleep, too. Even him.

You just closed your eyes and pretended to drift off, so Shawn can stop worrying.

Anyways, you sit on the edge of the bed, debating whether or not you should get up quietly to fix another bowl of cereal. You were starving, and it was clear that at 4am, you might not be getting a wink of sleep tonight.

Shawn seemed out cold. Maybe he wouldn't notice.

You vote yes to yourself, very awkwardly getting out of the bed, which took forever, considering the size of your stomach.

You tiptoe across the room to the door, your feet sinking into the carpet. You twist the doorknob until it wouldn't turn anymore, opening it slowly and cringing when it speaks. You nervously glance at Shawn.

He didn't budge.

You breathe a sigh of relief and walk out of the bedroom, over towards the kitchen.

The apartment was still, quiet-- dark. It seemed to set the mood of sneakiness that you felt. You look out the window, at your city, all the lights of the buildings still lit and creating a blur as you breeze by.

Before you could even get to the kitchen, you felt something trickle out of you quickly, immediate pain coming from your downstairs area. You were confused by the sudden burst, and you couldn't help but wince as you race over to the couch.

You place your hands just below your stomach at your gut, feeling movement, shifting. Pain.

"Shawn!" you try to yell, your voice coming out shaky and quiet instead. "Shawn get in here! Shawn!"

You stare at your bedroom door, waiting for him to burst out of it, waiting for some kind of noise from inside. Nothing.

"Shawn!!" you were practically screaming now.

Suddenly his figure appears there, looking concerned and slightly bewildered. "What-- why-- ? What's wrong... ?"

"Shawn," you slap the couch without meaning to. You take a deep breath. "I think my water just broke. You need to take me to the hospital.. now."


there will be a part 2!!

Shawn Mendes ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang