R.I.P Jasmine

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Before you read this pls understand that I am NOT  "using Shawn's tragedy and turning it into something cute". It's just an imagine. (:


Soft moonlight spills through the window, illuminating a strip of the darkness that shines over the duvet and across Shawn's sleeping face.

His arms were draped loosely around your waist, fingers on your clothed hips. His chest rises and falls as he holds you close, fortifying your body. Even in his sleep, he was protecting you.

You smile to yourself, Shawn unaware that you were still awake. Something felt off, and you couldn't put your finger on what it was.

You decided that maybe if you got some water or something, you could go to sleep.

Wriggling out of Shawn's hold, you walk across the room, your feet sinking into the carpet as you creak open the bedroom door and creep down the hallway to the stairs.

You walk down one by one, stopping at the bottom and nearly having a heart attack as Shawn's cat, Jasmine, lays across the bottom step, and you nearly step on her. She doesn't seem to notice, though, just purrs weakly and continues to sleep.

You lightly laugh and step over her, walking into the kitchen.

You fix a glass of water and lean over the counter to drink it, hearing the bedroom door open upstairs.

"Y/N?" Shawn whisper-yells.

You set down your glass and walk forwards the stairs, which he now stands at the top of, clothed in only grey sweatpants. His hair was messy and his eyes, as you could tell, were red and tired.

"I just needed some water," You say quickly.

He sighs and walks down the stairs, leaning on the handrail for support.

You turn and walk back into the kitchen, waiting for him to follow, but he doesn't.

You turn to face him, only to see that he was crouched down next to the bottom step where Jasmine lays, stroking her fur.

"Jasmine, wake up," He shakes her slightly.

She stays stretched out, not looking up at him.

"Jasmine?" He croaks. He sounded a little scared, and there was no denying it.

You walk over to him. "Shawn, what's wrong?"

He pauses, wiping his eyes with his t-shirt. Only then did it hit you that Jasmine wasn't sleeping.

"She had nineteen years," He says quietly.

"S-Shawn," You ease down on the second-to-last step and run your fingers through his tangle of hair. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," He responds, still not looking up.

"I think we should go back to bed," You say, "Well figure everything out in the morning."

"Okay," He nods, grabbing your hand as you lead him upstairs and back into bed.

You pull the covers up to your neck and nuzzle yourself into Shawn's side as he lays on his back, staring at the ceiling as he gently plays with your hair.

"I'm going to miss her," He whispers softly.

You open your eyes halfway before closing them again and mumbling, "I know."

"But I have you, Y/N," He says.

"You'll always have me."

"Promise me forever?" He asks.

You smile and nod slightly without looking up, picturing his eyes.

"Of course, baby," You answer, slipping one arm over his stomach and pulling a little bit closer before drifting off to sleep.


Stop saying "why did they leave the dead cat there" "wtf just leave a dead cat on the sTAIRS!1!1!2!1!!"



Shawn Mendes ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora