Hanging With The Guys

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You were sitting in Nash and Hayes' living room, around the circle of boys that Shawn usually hangs out with.

It was your usual Sunday afternoon get-together, and the whole gang usually meets here to have lunch and just chill.

Shawn was sitting on the couch, and you were sitting in between his legs, head on his chest as he plays with your hair while talking to the other boys about boy stuff.

Every time he heard something funny, he would laugh and you could feel his breath tickling your neck.

His voice from behind you lightly harmonized with the warm conversation, and you just allow him to braid your hair as you look around the room.

"Evie's coming to visit me next week," Matt says to you, "Maybe you two could go get your nails done or go shopping or something."

You look at him, taken by surprise that he was acknowledging you for the first time this afternoon.

"You think that us girlfriends are just instant friends," you scoff. "But I don't know, maybe."

"Matt, Y/N isn't interested in nails or shopping. Christ, you guys are so sexist," Shawn says from behind you, followed by a light laugh.

"Aw, he knows his girlfriend."

When Shawn feels you start to fidget as you get uncomfortable, he loosens his legs a little until you get in the right position and then clasps them tight again.

He leans forward with his cheek pressed against yours, still stroking your hair.

"You okay?" He whispers softly.

You nod and he goes back to leaning against the couch, without noticing that every single eye in the room was on you.

"Get a room," Jack Johnson mumbles, smirking at Shawn.

You turn to look at Shawn, who was already looking at you with a smile on his face.

He purposely puts on a show by tightly wrapping his arms around your body and kissing the side of your forehead.

"I love you," He says into your ear.



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