Twitter DM's (Part 2)

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this imagine was really funny but so inappropriate on every level and i can't believe i wrote that when i was like thirteen ok lol. this one will be more christ-like as i do love the lord a lot more now ok

and guys! i'm seeing shawn in 6 days! ahhh. which reminds me in my author's note at the end i need help choosing a question for the q&a so pls help a girl out :)


You: how was Bay Area?

Shawn: it was amazing

Shawn: hey Y/N?

You: yes, Shawn?

Shawn: i think you're really special. i'm glad we started talking.

You: awe shawn! i honestly got worried right after i send the message about your dick that you would close the message and be done
You: but as it turns out you were in a horny mood ;)

Shawn: oh my god. i was trying to be serious there

You: oh i know, i was too.

Shawn: so alright, i already know a lot about you. Princeton University next fall. full ride, so you're a smartypants. good dancer according to yourself. love baking cookies for yourself when you're not in a good mood to cheer yourself up. orchestra kid, right?

You: close! band kid. but i'm impressed, you pay attention when i talk.

Shawn: well of course. you're fascinating. now would you like to learn a little about me?

You: are you kidding? i know everything about you shawn.

Shawn: but do you really?
Shawn: what's my favorite color?

You: easy. green.
You: and blue.

Shawn: both wrong. my favorite color is baby pink.

You: yeah okay shawn 😂

Shawn: i'm dead serious Y/N
Shawn: when i was a freshman in high school, there was this vietnamese girl named Mai that helped me catch up on my studying when i stared getting busy with performing. and when she lent me her notes, all of her binders and spirals were baby pink, and she wrote with a baby pink pen on every page. she was one of the nicest, sweetest people i've ever met and even though we definitely lost touch, that color makes me happy when i see it because i remember how kind she was to me.

You: ohhhh my god. baby pink? never pinned that for you.

Shawn: exactly. you expect me to spill that whole story in a magazine interview? i'll pass.

You: so you don't tell a lot in interviews and stuff then?

Shawn: there's a lot that people don't know is all I'm saying.

You: how interesting. so your favorite food isn't chocolate cake, and muffins?

Shawn: get real. that's EVERYONE'S favorite food unless they're seriously messed up. My favorite food (besides muffins) is probably tortilla chips and artichoke dip

You: what? that's your FAVORITE food?

Shawn: hey don't judge! i eat it all the time at home like 24/7. mum makes the best artichoke dip

You: ok so are you even canadian or was that a lie too?

Shawn: ha anyone who meets me knows i'm definitely canadian. i can't fake my way outta that one

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