He Acts Like A Gentleman

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Shawn decided to take you out for a nice dinner at your favorite Chinese restaurant for no reason.

Since you couldn't find a parking space, he parked his car at a gas station down the street and the two of you walked to the restaurant together.

It got pretty cold, and you wrapped your arms around your torso in an attempt to warm up. Suddenly you regretted not bringing a jacket.

"Are you cold?" Shawn asks you.

You shrug. "Um, a little."

You barely had time to say anything else before he's already taking off his blazer and slipping it over your shoulders. You hug it to your body.

"Thanks," You say, smiling.

He smirks. "Anything for my girl."

By the time you get to the restaurant, there was a couple already walking in. The man didn't see you two behind him and let the door shut in your face. Shawn looks over at you and scoffs. "People these days."

"Always closing five-star Chinese restaurant doors in front of you."

He laughs at that and pulls it open for you, going in behind you.

"You're being such a gentleman." You say, blushing.

He smiles proudly.

As the waiter leads the two of you to your table, you start to sit down without thinking about it, but Shawn rushes in front of you and pulls out your chair.

You laugh at his eagerness and sit down, waiting for him to take a seat across from you. "Who are you and what have you done with Shawn?"

He giggles and opens up your menu for you, and you both look through them in silence.

"Hmm, what looks good to you?" He asks.

"It all looks good."

"But what looks really good?"

"All of it."

Suddenly the waiter approaches and asks if you're ready to order. You start to say that 'you don't know what to get and the chef should just pick for you', but Shawn speaks up.

"I'll have the Chinese noodles with soy sauce, and she'll have the tangerine chicken with rice."

You raise your eyebrows in disbelief and wait for the waiter to walk away before saying,"Seriously stop, it's freaking me out. You're supposed to be an asshole."

He laughs and bites his lip. "Today, I'm your asshole."

"But you're being a gentleman"

"Am I?"

"You are."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Shawn.. " You whine.

"Do you like tangerine chicken?"

"It makes me want to puke."



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