How You Meet - 2

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It had been a long day for you at school, and you couldn't wait to just get home and take a nap. But, of course, you had a ton of homework to do, and to top it all off, your friend who was supposed to be your ride home, got sick at school today, so you had to walk home alone.

It was a foggy early-spring afternoon, the smell of fresh rain from this morning lingering in the drizzly air. You avoid puddles as you cross the street to the sidewalk on the other side, your converse squeaking on the ground as you walked.

You wrap your arms around your torso after pulling the sleeves over your knuckles, walking past the entrance to a neighborhood that some of your friends live in, but you've only been in once, carefully crossing the street.

You walk all down the street and up the hill, past yet another neighborhood, then across the street and past an apartment complex.

You were just passing the entrance to another neighborhood, when you plugged in your earbuds, slipping your phone into your back pocket after clicking the shuffle button.

Some Nights by Fun was the first song to come on, and you mouth the lyrics to yourself as you continue down the street.

It was one of your favorite songs a while back, so you hadn't listened to it in quite a while.

While listening, you were so lost in the music that you hardly had time to see the car coming up from behind you until it was already passing, rolling through a massive puddle, which splashed all over you, drenching your clothes, shoes, hair, and skin.

You gasp as you trace back, rainwater dripping off of you as you pull out your earplugs and your phone, which was luckily dry, placing it into your bag as you drop it on the ground.

All of a sudden, the car stops, and a tall, skinny boy with soft brown hair falling over his forehead steps out onto the sidewalk, rushing towards you.

"I'm so sorry!" he yells, suddenly right in front of you.

"I-it's ok-kay," you manage, the wind blowing against your back and causing you to shiver.

"Oh god, your shaking!" he exclaims, his arms reaching out for yours for just a second. "Um, here," he pulls his coat off in a swift movement, starting to put it on you.

"No, you don't have to do that," you say, stepping back.

"It's the least I can do."

He slips his blazer over your shoulders, making sure it was fully covering you before pulling back, his hands still attached to your body.

"I can't believe I did that," he sighs softly. "I am so sorry."

"It's okay, really," you manage to nod without shivering, hugging his coat to your body. It smelled really good, in a boyish-cologne type of way.

"Are you walking home alone?" he asks, his hands dropping to his sides.

It was then that you realized how familiar he looked, and you were certain you were recognizing him from school. He couldn't have been much older than you, maybe even the same class.

You bite your lip. "Uh, well, yeah. My ride couldn't get me."

"But it's so cold!" he reasons. "Where do you live? I'll drive you."

"Oh, I couldn't ask you to do that -"

"It's not a big deal, honey, if you were walking anyways it can't be that far. Besides, I'm not just gonna splash you with a puddle and make you walk home all wet and cold. Seriously, you'd be doing me a favor."

You think for a moment. "Are you sure you wouldn't mind?"

"Not at all," he assures you.

You smile a little, still freezing cold.


He slips his arm around your lower back and ushers you to his car, and before you could climb in the driver's seat, he nervously opens it for you.

"I'm Shawn, by the way," he says with a smile.

You buckle your seatbelt, watching as he closes the door and starts down the street.

You pull his jacket tighter, pressing your lips together.

"I'm Y/N."



I hope you realize how fun this was to write.

Check out my Shawn fic, "Sanity"? It would mean a lot (:

Avey xx

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