He's Your Brother's Best Friend

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You had just turned fifteen a few weeks ago, and since your older brother, a band geek who's also on the football team, was at camp on your birthday, he decided to throw you a surprise party a week later.

You were out with some of your friends on the night of the party, having no idea that both of them knew about it and had been texting your brother for the entire duration of the movie and after-dinner.

As soon as you pull into the driveway, you could tell something was up by the way they gushed. And said, "C'mon Y/N, you must be tired after a long day. Let's get inside!"

They were terrible liars.

You walk up the driveway and as soon as you open the door into the dark building, you reach for the light switch. But before your fingers could even reach it, a hundred little streaks of light illuminated everything, shining right in your face and momentarily blinding you.

Someone flicks on the lights, and you see your older brother, surrounded by all of his friends and some of yours. They were all holding individual flashlights.

"Oh my god," You laugh, running up to hug your brother.

"Were you surprised?" One of your friends asks from behind you in the doorway.

You nod quickly. "Of course! Like, I knew something was up but I didn't expect this," You wave to some people around the room who were now free to socialize at their leisure.

"Well, you're brother isn't very average or typical in that way," One of his band friends says to you as he walks up and playfully punches his shoulder.

"Yeah, sorry, Y/N," Your brother says quietly, "I didn't have most of your friends numbers so I invited mine."

"It's totally fine," You say, hugging him again, "Thank you for doing this for me."

As the party goes on, you try to talk to as many people as possible and thank them for coming, which was hard when you didn't know much of them.

Only two of them were really good friends with your brother, and we're over at the house a lot, so those were the two you stuck with most of the night.

"It's getting late and I feel weird for being, like, tired," You say to Matt, one your brother's best friends, as you yawn.

"Same. I think I'm gonna hit the road soon, I have a thing tomorrow morning," He responds as he sips his coke.

"Noooo, don't leave me," You whine.

"You can chill with Shawn! You two have known each other for years."

"Yeah but, I feel like he thinks I'm just a little tag along."

"That's a load of crap. Look, he's right over there," He points his finger at Shawn across the room, dressed in a black sweatshirt and skinny jeans. He was talking to one of your friends, looking kind of miserable.

"Go talk to him."

You turn back towards Matt and sigh, giving him a quick hug. "Okay, fine. Bye," You say with a smile. You watch as he throws away his pretty much empty cup, says goodbye to your brother and a few other people, and then leaves.

You walk over to Shawn and tap on his shoulder.

"Hey, Y/N!" He turns around and surprises you by wrapping his arms around your waist in a hug. "Happy birthday."

"Thanks! So what's up?"

"Not much, we actually just moved houses so we're closer to yours. Not in this neighborhood but in the one right next to it," He says with a smile.

"Wow, that's cool. So now you and my brother can hang out a lot more often."

"Oh yeah, definitely. Maybe we could carpool sometimes, you know, since you're still incapable of driving."

"Ah well, you'll have to teach me."

"Your brother can do that."

You scoff. "Yeah right," You say.

"Well then I'll have to teach you," He laughs.

"Shawn!" Someone calls from across the room. Shawn turns to look over to where the voice came from, and one of the other guys was motioning for him to come over.

"I gotta split, but I'll talk to you later, okay?" His eyes meet yours.

"Okay," You say slowly.

He hugs you one more time before walking away, and you feel like something was taken from you.


Two weeks after the party and Shawn has been coming over seemingly every day. It's like moving to the neighborhood next to ours has somehow built a bridge between the two of them.

This morning you walk into the kitchen to grab some breakfast, shaking your wet hair behind you as you set your backpack down on the counter.

"Morning, Y/N," Shawn says as he takes a seat at one of the bar stools, biting into a chocolate chip muffin.

You honestly were not surprised to see him at all.

"Hey," You say as you grab one of the muffins from the stove. "What're you doing here?"

"Oh, I just stopped by to drop off these notes for your brother," He holds up a purple three-ring binder, "But I guess he already left?"

You think for a moment before leaning against the counter. "Oh yeah, I forgot he has band rehearsal this morning. Dammit, he was my ride."

Shawn takes another bite of his muffin and sets the binder back down in front of him.

"I could drive you," He offers.

You were taken back.

"Really? I mean, that'd be great, if you don't mind."

"I'm already here anyways, might as well. Plus, I promised we would carpool at the party," He smiles.

You shrug and walk towards the stairs.

"Well thanks. I just need to dry my hair and then I'll be right down," You say, walking up each step one by one.

"I'll be here," He calls.

You go into the bathroom and crouch down on the floor, getting out the hair dryer from under the sink and plugging it in.

You dry your hair, which felt like it took forever, and then straightened it, which didn't take long.

As soon as you reach the bottom of the stairs, Shawn places his hand on the rail and sighs.

"Wow," He says admiringly. "You look gorgeous."

You blush. "Thanks. Shall we?"

He scrunches his eyebrows. "Yeah, one sec," He turns the other way like he's about to go into the kitchen, but then takes you by surprise and spins around, grabbing your waist and pulling you in so you bump right into his chest.

He pauses, taking a moment to sweep the loose strands of hair from your face before cupping your chin and softly pressing his lips to yours.

You hardly had time to process it all, and before you know it, he'd pulled away, his fingers still on your temples.

"Sorry, I got ahead of myself," He beams.

"No no it's.. it's okay. Just....do it again?"



Lol this was like a twist on the usual "best friend's brother" AND IT WAS FREAKISHLY LONG IM SORRY.

btw sorry about the screw up with Never Have I Ever and Your Kid Walks In On You "At It". I don't really know what happened there but somehow they were unpublished and I had to republish them so sorry about that.

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