Halloween - Part 1

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Requested by noortje_

btw pls dont be afraid to message me my page is lonely.


"So, what exactly is this?" You ask, holding the costume Shawn bought up in front of you.

"We've been through this, Y/N, I'm batman and you're catwoman, fool."

"Well, this just looks like a cat. Besides, aren't we a little old for trick-or-treating? I thought we were going to just eat candy and watch a horror movie together, while snuggling on the couch," You whine.

"Yes babe, but as much as I love you, that sounds boring as hell. It won't be too long before people start staring at us because we're too old to trick-or-treat."

"Okay, A, people will already stare, and, B, did I just hear you call our snuggle sessions boring as hell?"

"You also heard me say I love you, so that means you love me too and you'll do this for me," He argues, unable to keep a straight face. You couldn't take him serious anyways in his batman mask and tights.


"Yay!" He cheers, kissing you on the cheek as you walk into the bathroom to change.

Once you were in your costume, the two of you walk down the street side by side with your fingers laced together, your pillowcases for candy in your opposite hands.

"Y/N, this is gonna be fun," Shawn says excitedly.

You walk up to the first house with a bunch of younger kids that, when standing tall, probably only reach your waist or lower. But no one stared. In fact, the kids admired your costume and some parents even took pictures of you and Shawn with their kids.

Once you had been going up to houses for about two hours, you started to get tired. "Can we go back to your house now?" You beg.

He sighs. "I guess so. But can we just go to one more house?"

You shrug. "How about this one?" You suggest, pointing to one right next to you.

"No, babe. Honey. Sweetie. Darling. Butter-"


"We're going to the one on Grende."

You stop walking. "What? You're not talking about the one everyone says is haunted, right?"

"Wrong. I absolutely am talking about that one. Come on, babygirl, it'll be really fun!"

"Absolutely not. I'm not walking another step, and you can't make me," You say firmly.

He smirks and walks toward you, quickly placing one hand on your neck and the other on the back of your knees, lifting you up with ease and carrying you down the street.

You laugh. "Hey! Put me down!"

"Someone's afraid of going to the haunted house, ayye?" He says cutely.

He sometimes uses the word 'ayye' to amuse you, because you make fun of him for being Canadian.

You kick your legs until he loses his grip on you and you stand back on your own feet. Wiping your hair from your face, you glare at him. "I'm not afraid," You say.

"Good," He responds, "Because we're going."

You roll your eyes and eventually follow him down the street with a groan.

You show up to the house a few minutes later. It was big, dark and the door was made of ripped up, unpainted wood. The window on the second floor was cracked open, while the one below it was broken. Admittedly, it gave you chills just looking at it.

"Alright, let's get this over with," You say, walking towards the door.

"Wait," Shawn says, his voice shaky. He grabs your arm to stop you. "M-maybe this wasn't such a good idea, Y/N."

You laugh. "Oh no mister, this was your idea. Let's go." You motion for him to follow you and he does after a while, grabbing your hand and squeezing.

You couldn't believe he was actually afraid. You stand nervously in front of the door and outstretch your hand to knock.

When there was no answer, Shawn starts to turn back. "Well, no one's home, let's go," He says.

"BE BRAVE SHAWN, LORD," You call after him.

Just then, the door swings open, slamming against the wall on the other side and causing both Shawn and you to jump.

After standing there for a while, you close your eyes and take a deep breath. Then you step inside.

"Woah, wait hey, Y/N! Don't go in there! Get back here!!"

You ignore him, hoping he would follow eventually.

"Y/N! Y/N! Oh my god please get out here!"

You turn a corner and he groans, running in after you.


Follow @noortje_ pls

Oh and is this good idk there will be a part 2 to this so

Mind checking out my Shawn fic, Sanity? It would mean a lot (:

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