How He Proposes - Part 2

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Eventually you decide to drive down to North Riverside. If that's where everyone is, then that's where you'll get your explanation on what exactly is happening. That's where you decide you want to be right now. Besides, no matter how mad you are at Shawn, avoiding him doesn't seem like an easy or wise thing to do.

So you go.

You drive down the narrow road of the most popular street here, one you've heard much about. It was a really nice neighborhood, full of young children and newly-weds and flowers and trees. The houses were really small, which is why it was mainly full of either old couples or newly wedded couples because there's only two of them. But still, you avoided hitting kids as you continue down the street.

You spot Hayes standing in the driveway of one of the houses, and as you get closer and back around Shawn's car in the driveway, you see Carter, Nash, Cam, Taylor, and Matt. Then you see Shawn's mom talking with Carter, and some of Shawn's family talking with your family. Wait, your parents are here too?

Something is really going on. It's not your birthday, that was like two months ago. Maybe someone else's birthday? Did they call you here for a surprise party?

You park your car in the road and hop out, approaching the group slowly. Everyone falls silent and smiles when they see you.

"Hey, Y/N," Nash welcomes you with a smile.

"Yeah, hey," Taylor added, hardly controlling his zeal. You shake your head.

"This is such a weird day," you mumble.

Everyone seems to focus so much on you, and over-laugh at that, and smile at you and seem like they may cry. Like everything was about you. Like this was the last time they would ever see you.

Hayes slowly walks up to you, staring at the ground. You wait for him to say something.

"Y/N," he bites his lip, "Please know how much I, and all of these guys,"- he gestures towards the whole gang - "Love you so much and respect you and care about you. And if there was any guy, ever, that tried to hurt you, we would immediately put him in a hospital. No one can get to our Y/N without getting through us first. Which is why we have no objection towards Shawn. He loves you so much, Y/N. I'm serious. It's annoying how much he talks about you, like, we can't even have any guy time anymore. When he's alone, he's thinking about you, did you know that? He's never truly alone! When he's playing guitar he just songs about you. He loves you so freaking much. And he will never, ever, ever leave you."

You smile, and as truly meaningful as that was, you couldn't help but wonder what the point of telling you all of this really is. And where is Shawn, anyways?

"Thanks, Hayes," you say.

"Ditto," Nash and Matt say in unison, and then everyone erupts in conversation about all kinds of things.

"Well, sweetie, are you ready to go inside?" Shawn's mom asks you.

You furrow your eyebrows. "Um, inside where?"

"Inside the house!" she points to the front door of the house of the driveway you were standing in, which, admittedly, it hasn't crossed your mind why everyone was here, at this house.

"I guess," you shrug, mildly confused.

She and everyone else ushers you to the front porch, where you awkwardly walk through the door and call for Shawn.


"In here!" he calls in response, his voice coming from a back room. It was a small house, with only one extra bedroom besides the master, a kitchen right next to the living room, and that was about it. It was still really clean though, and there was no furniture anywhere.

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