Your Time Of The Month - 2

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okay so I'm not running out of ideas I swear, but sometimes I'll be thinking about some imagines I've written and I think of how the events could occur quite differently, so sometimes I might do a second scenario just like this one. So don't be confused. (:


You were sitting alone on your couch watching Friends, eating a bag of candy that you saved in one of the drawers of your apartment kitchen for this particular time.

Usually when you first start, the cramps hit you so hard you have to take a day off work and school because you're too tired to do anything.

You pull the blanket up on your waist where it was sliding down and groaned, desperately wishing for some company. It was almost four p.m., and your best friend, who you shared the apartment with, won't get back until six p.m., since she has work right after your community college gets out at noon.

You continue watching the episode as you finish up the candy and check your phone to see if you had any texts. The first one you noticed was from your boyfriend, Shawn.

Hey, where are you? You weren't there today and I haven't heard from you since last night.

You usually just tell him you're sick when this happens, but when you do, he just says "I hope you get better" and then never comes over because he doesn't want to get infected.

You decide to call him and tell him the truth, since you really wanted to talk to someone, especially him.

He picks up on the fourth ring.


"Hey, muffin," you tease him. "Whatcha doin?"

He pauses. "Homework. Where were you today?"

"Home," you heave a sigh.


You try to think of how you're going to word this. "I guess I don't really feel good, at all. Can you please come over?"

"Why? Are you okay? Is it the stomach flu that's been going around?" You could already hear him grabbing his car keys.

"No, Shawn, it's not the stomach flu," you shake your head, fiddling with the edge of your blanket.

He gasps. "Shit, are you pregnant?"

You slap your forehead with your palm, quietly laughing to yourself. "No!"

"Then what is it??" he demands.

"I'm. . . I'm on my period, Shawn."

He freezes, all motion on the other end of the line stopping. You give him a few seconds, but when he was still not responding, you check to be sure he was still there.

"Sorry," he chuckles. "Just kind of caught me off guard. I forgot you get those. I'll be over soon, okay cuddlebug? Just hang tight."

"Okay," you say, smiling. "Thank you. I love you."

"Love you too."

Just as you were about to hang up, you hear him yell through the phone, "Wait Y/N?!?"

"Yes?" you make a face.

"Are you sure you don't want me to bring a pregnancy test just in case?"

You sigh. "Goodbye, Shawn."

After you hung up, you went into the bathroom to freshen up a little before he arrived. Not too much, but just at least wiping the mascara off from under your eyes and pulling your tangly hair up into a bun.

You wait around after that, kind of cleaning up the living room area where you had spent most of the day. When ten minutes had passed, you were starting to get kind of worried. Shawn lives only 7 or 8 minutes away, and you were sure that he left immediately.

Twenty minutes passed, and you sit nervously on the couch, checking out the window and watching for his car frequently.

After it had been half an hour, you finally hear a knock at the door.

You quickly spring to your feet and go to answer it, swinging it open and standing face to face with a smiling Shawn.

"I think this is what good boyfriends are supposed to do, right?" he asks sweetly, kind of nervous.

He was holding in his hands a stack of chick-flicks on DVD, a bouquet of light pink roses, and a square red box of chocolates, all newly purchased.

"Shawn," you grin, blushing from ear to ear. "It's only my period! It's not Valentine's Day or anything!"

"I know, but the lady behind the counter asked me why I was buying a pair of women's shoes, and I was like, 'well my girlfriend is on her period and I figured shoes would make her feel better' and then she told me to go buy this if I really wanted to help."

You let him in, shutting the door behind him as you take the flowers from him, smelling them and smiling.

"Shawn, you are the sweetest," you bite back a huge smile, planting a kiss on his rosy cheek.

"So you like them?" He points to the flowers. "I picked them out."

You look down at the roses and back up to meet his hopeful brown eyes, stepping a little closer to him.

"I love them," you answer. "And I love you."

"I love you as well," he sets down the movies and chocolate. "Now do you want to snuggle and make out on the couch or just stand here?"


Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now