Prom - Part 2

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There was a knock at the door.

You freak out, adding a little bit more blush to your already rosy cheeks and pulling your hair over your shoulders from behind. You had curled it to look nicer, and you were wearing more mascara than you've ever worn in your life.

Basically you looked really sophisticated and fake, but that was only because this was the first time since eighth grade you've ever dressed up for a "school dance".

Just as you were about to go downstairs, your bedroom door swings open.


"Hey babygirl, are you ready to-"

He freezes at the doorway, taking you in from head to toe. His dark eyes travel all over your body, and a smile begins to spread across his face.

"Oh my god, Y/N," He says quietly.

"You like it?" You ask, gripping the sides of your dress with your fingers. It was a black one with purposeful holes on the elbow-length sleeves, with a sparkly, silver belt that wrapped just below the hem of your bra, and then it dropped to your lower thighs in silky, black waves.

"Do I like it? Oh my god, Y/N, you look.. You look so beautiful." His voice was soft and gentle.



"Thank you," You blush, "You look really handsome too."

He was wearing a black tuxedo with his hair gelled to the side, and a white button-down under it. There was no bowtie or anything, but he looked better without it.

"I try, I try," He says as he inches closer to you.

"Shouldn't you be waiting downstairs, so you can get the whole effect of me walking down the stairs like a beauty queen, then you slip my corsage on my wrist, my mom takes pictures of us, and then there's a limo outside waiting for me full of roses and -"

"Y/N?" He cuts you off, and before you could respond he slowly presses his lips to yours, holding your temple and cupping your chin with his other hand.

When the kiss broke, he takes your hand and smiles as he leads you out of your room and down the stairs, where his car was waiting in the driveway. It was starting to rain, but right now it was barely sprinkling, and night hadn't even fallen yet.

"Y/N, prom doesn't even start for another hour." He says with a smirk from the other side of the car.

"I know, you're early," You beam.

"Yeah, but I was thinking, maybe we could park somewhere.. "

You suddenly hop in the car and buckle your seatbelt, leaning back in the seat.

"I really like where you're going with that," You say.

He laughs and backs out of the driveway and doesn't let go of your hand the whole way.


"Shawn," You moan, wiping the strings of hair from your face.
"Y/N," He kisses your neck quickly, sucking violently on the skin there. He was panting in the heat of the backseat of the car, which was parked behind an abandoned building downtown.

"Y/N, as ravishing as you look in this dress, we have got to get it off of you right now!" He says in between breaths, slipping his cold fingers under the hem.

His legs graze across yours as he moves from beside you to on top of you, crashing his soft lips onto yours once again. His hands traveled all over your body, unable to keep to themselves.

Once the dress was laying on the car floor, he nips at the newly exposed skin below your chest and slides his arms from your stomach to your back.

You run your fingers through his hair and hold the back of his neck as he whispers your name over and over. He sits up for a second and pulls his jacket off until he was only wearing the button-down, and then he sucks on your breasts again without hesitation, unbuttoning his shirt in a hurry.

And then you feel him slip a finger into the top of your lace underwear, tugging it down slowly. You stare at the ceiling of the car and inhale, then, without meaning to, shove him off.


He gets off of you and leans on the window of the other side, his hair a mess as he stares at you.

You start to cry silently, and then he finally moves over to you with a concerned look on his face. He pulls you in and hugs you tightly, stroking your hair with his palm.

"Y/N," He says quietly, "Have you ever done this before?"

Slowly, you shake your head into his chest.


He runs his hand down your back.
"It's okay," He whispers, "It's okay."

"I love you, Shawn." You manage in between sobs. You didn't mean to throw him off like that.

"I love you too. And if we ever do this again, I'll be gentle. I promise. We'll take it slow, and it'll be special. We'll make your first time the best time. There will be no orgasms or broken headboards or anything like that. It'll be slow and gentle and special."

You smile and wipe your eyes. "Thank you, Shawn. I don't know what I'd do without you." It was already awkward from your sudden outburst, but that fact that you were still in your underwear made it even weirder.

His eyes stay on yours for a while before he tucks your hair behind your ear. "Let's get to prom," He finally says.

"Okay," You smile.

He picks your dress up from the car floor and pulls it over your legs, zipping it and tying it with a careful look of concentration plastered across his sweet little face.

He undressed you, and now he was dressing you. That boy.

He softly kisses your cheek. "Trust me when I say this," He mumbles, his voice heavy but somehow really quiet.

You don't turn to face him, just narrow your gaze.

He bites his lip. "I promise.. I've never done it before either."

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