How You Meet

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This imagine is for @maze4321. Hope you enjoy!

You were doing your late night studying on your bed, the rain pattering on the roof above you. A storm was approaching, and there was so much thunder crackling outside you almost didn't hear the rocks hitting your window.

You scrunch your eyebrows, lifting your book from your lap as you cross the room. Slowly, you open the window, seeing a brunette boy standing a story below you, wrapped in a red sweatshirt, his wet hair falling over his eyes.

His eyes go wide when he sees you.

"Hello?" You call.

"Um. . ," He pauses. "I'm really sorry. I think I have the wrong house?"

You laugh and yell over the rain, "Trying to get the girl back?"

He looks down at the ground and nods.

"She wouldn't want me back, though!"

"Why don't you come to the front porch?" You offer, "You're soaking wet."

He holds up his hands in surrender. "Oh no, that's okay -"

"No, it's fine. I think my brother might have a sweatshirt that will fit you. I'll be right down," You yell, before closing the window and running to get the sweatshirt from your brother's dresser.

When you open the front door, he was standing there, hugging his body.

"Here," You hand him the sweatshirt and widen the door so he could come inside.

"Thanks," He slips the shirt he was currently wearing up over his head, revealing his muscular body and toned abdomen.

You tense up.

"Um," You grab his wet sweatshirt, "I'll just. . dry this for you."

"Didn't your parents ever warn you about letting strangers into your house?" He laughs as he throws the clean, dry shirt over his body.

Only then did you notice that his eyes were puffy and red, and he looked like he was just really hurt, but he was trying to hide it.

"I believe in the kindness of strangers," You say as you throw his wet clothing into the dryer in the laundry room, right next to the front door.

"I'm Maisie," You reach out your hand to shake.

"So, who's the girl whose window you were actually trying to hit?" You ask him, putting your hands on your hips.

He blushes. "This girl, Simone. We hadn't been together too long, she was my first girlfriend so I didn't really know what I was doing. It wasn't going to work out, though."

"Oh, I see. Well, you know what they say, one door closes, another one opens."

He looks you over from head to toe, so quickly you almost didn't notice.

"Yeah," He says quietly, his eyes never leaving yours, "Another one opens."

You bite your lip.

He stares at his feet, then shifts his gaze back to you.

"I'm Shawn, by the way."

The minutes pass by too fast, you and Shawn just talking in the doorway the whole time. Soon the dryer stops and you walk over to it, pulling out his sweatshirt.

"Here you go," You hand it to him.

"Thanks for this, Maisie," He smiles.

"No problem."

As he changes back to his clothes, he hugs you real quick, then turns to leave. He stops at the doorway.


You pause. ". . Yes?"

"We'll see each other again, yeah?"

You press your lips together in a thin line. "You're very welcome to throw rocks at my window whenever you please."

He laughs and nods in approval, before stepping out onto the front porch and closing the door behind him.


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