He Saves Your Life

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Admittedly a little drunk from the NYC party Shawn took you to, he insisted that you not drive home. He would've driven you himself, but his car broke down back at the hotel, and you had no other way of transportation at three A.M., so you walked.

Shawn knew that your house wasn't far from here, but all you knew was you could barely walk in a straight line and couldn't stop yourself from shouting Nirvana song lyrics.

"I'm not gonna give you my name," You scream, despite the fact that you were on a public street at three in the morning.

"Shhhh," Shawn hisses, cupping his hand over your mouth.

"And I don't think you want that to change. . . " You slur, murmured by Shawn's palm.

"Y/N," He turns you around to face him. "Stop. Seriously. People are trying to sleep."

You widen your eyes. "Sleep?"

"Yes, Y/N, it's a thing people do."

You giggle. "It sounds like cheeeaap!!"

Shawn rolls his eyes at you. "It's something you need. Let's go."

He pushes you forward, allowing you to balance your weight on him.

"I don't like my name," You say. "I wanna change it to Sodapop. Sodapop Y/L/N. That has a nice ring to it. People can call me Soda. Do you like that, Shawn?"

"Um, no, not really," He mumbles, "I kind of like your name the way it is. Why would you change it to Soda?"

You giggle again and lean on Shawn. "Because, silly! I was thinking about soda because I drank so much tonight!"

"That wasn't soda, that was vodka."

"What's vodka?" You ask, closing your eyes. The wind whips you in the face and blows back your hair.

"Alcohol," Shawn says, then sighs.
"I've never even seen you this drunk before. Actually, I've never seen you drunk, period."

"Well that's not true!!" You slur, "You're seeing me now!!!"

"Y/N," He stops you, pointing across the street. "That's your house. I'm gonna take you inside and I need you to -"

"Let's go!"

Without thinking, you run out onto the street, shrieking as a Toyota pick-up pulls out from around the corner. Two seconds away from slamming into you and breaking every bone in your body, Shawn yells your name from behind you and swoops in next to you, his arms wrapping tightly around your body.

He pulls you back just in time. You were so close to it, that the tip of your foot brushed the headlight. Shawn was still freaking out as you both fell back onto the curb, him breathing heavily and refusing to let go of you.

"Wooooaaaahhh!! Was that cool or what??" You basically scream, widening your eyes.

"Y/N, I. . . I thought I might lose you. . ." He huffs, on the verge of tears.

"Well you're not gonna lose me, silly, I'm right here!"

He blinks twice and takes a deep breath, then smiles a little. "Yeah," He chuckles. "You're right here."

Then he takes your hand and leads you carefully across the street, tucking you into bed with a grateful smile.

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