Ch. 6 - Bro.

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As soon as Ink's face entered the bouncy castle, Fresh let him have it, emptying the contents the super soaker had to offer in a cold spray of blue chemical smelling paint. Ink tried to dodge in a roll, grabbing a plastic shield and Fresh just followed him with the stream until the weapon was empty and tossed it aside.

Ink smiled smugly over the shield. The two were armed with the balloons and bean bags that were piled in the corners of the room hovering in their blue magics.

Fresh cartwheeled in an attempt to dodge Inks retaliation while managing to pick up a new foam sword, while sending a few attacks over himself - they were mostly blocked by the shield, others splattering on the ground behind Ink. Using the wall as leverage, Fresh leapt at Ink swinging his sword at his face only to be blocked by the paint covered shield. The collision sent up a spray of blue droplets onto himself as Ink was pushed back.

"Ha!" Ink exclaimed at having blocked the sword. "I wont let you hit my face a-gAin-!?" Inks voice cracked and rose a few octaves as he lost his footing due to wet paint.

The momentum from the hit had shoved Ink onto the strategically created patch of slippery paint covered plastic. Ink fell onto his back in surprise and Fresh went in with the sword and aimed at his face again while Ink was stunned almost as much by falling as that embarrassing sound he made when he fell.

"Yo that's what you thought, bro." Fresh grinned.

At the last moment Ink rolled out of the path of the sword only to get a face full of paint as he tried to use the momentum to get himself to his feet making Fresh laugh.

Several bean bags were aimed at Inks knees, trying to get him to fall again - a low blow perhaps, but Fresh doesn't believe in such a thing as a completely 'fair' fight. Ink was quick to copy the tactic.

From there, many water balloons and bean bags were exchanged as the two were literally bouncing off the walls in a dance of dodging, attacking and sometimes falling over. At some point Ink discarded the shield - must not be his style to be the one on the defensive - and he attacked with renewed vigor.

Ink managed to find a water gun himself and was laughing as Fresh smiled smugly, not minding the paint getting everywhere as he attempted to block (poorly) with the side of his sword. The two were very heavily coated in the stuff at this point.

Eventually the bouncy castle became too slippery for any sort of good traction. The castle had basically transformed into one big slip 'n slide - the two were constantly slipping everywhere and having trouble staying upright to each other's amusement.

Deciding to take a tactical retreat, Fresh did a power slide out the exit, knocking Ink over in the process with his sword causing him to faceplant.

"Oof!" Ink dropped his water gun and grabbed a sword of his own.

"Ya gonna just let that slide dawg?" Fresh punned, wiggling his eyebrows he just realized he has.

Ink emerged, brandishing a sword with an excited smile, eyelights a yellow and green.

"Of course not!" Ink said with a battle pose and laughing. "You'll not slip past me again! Mweh heh!"

"Heh." Fresh smiled as he got into his own battle stance. "Y'all better be up 'n ready for these radical sword skillz gettin' all up in yo face, bro."

Honestly, despite disliking Ink for having disrupted the Balance and threatening the existence of everyone and everything in the multiverse ... Fresh was actually having a blast. Ink was a very straight forward fighter and very easy to read and trip up - it was hilarious.

Fresh wondered how many more head shots he could slip in?

The Creator also seemed to be enjoying his little game rather than just fighting him as an unknown, so he must not be entirely bad ... even if he makes some pretty poor decisions.

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