Ch. 50 - Cookies and Contacts

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With the furbies dispersing into the multiverse, Fresh went into the kitchen to bake some cookies for his guests. Home made and from scratch. Double chocolate.

Fresh hummed a little tune to fill the silence as he did it. This was the first time Fresh had been given a chance to slow down and just ... exist. It was a little lonely but it was nice in its own way.

He just really wished it wasn't so quiet.

After mixing the dough up, Fresh sent a message to the Moderators to let them know to meet in UnderHacked AU when it was made and what it's purpose served. They seemed very interested in 'play testing' the games.

It was then in the quiet as he was about to slip his phone back into his pocket that Fresh remembered and paused. He had the Frisk's and Chara's phone numbers. There was no need to gather them all in one place when he could just text them.

Fresh groaned as he placed his skull onto the counter. With a sigh he went back to finishing the cookies first. He could bring them to the party. Or, you know. Eat them all himself. No one was watching to judge him on it ... right?

Fresh tilted his unshaded skull. Weird. Why couldn't he be confident in that? It should be obvious no one was watching. Even deities (aside from Void) couldn't open viewing portals to the True Void.

Then again ... it is the weakest point between realities. Maybe Fate and the other deities weren't the only ones to watch the multiverse like some kind of poorly stitched together comedy. Maybe there were some from ... beyond. Like the Player world. He was tempted to deactivate the Fourth Wall to check but ... he kinda didn't want to know. It's not like it would make a difference, knowing. They were probably behind that second Fourth Wall anyway.

Fresh continued to humm in thought as he put the cookies in the oven and set the timer.

Maybe the quiet was getting to him. Time to fix that!

"One radtastically fab surround sound system to play gnarly ambient music coming up!" Fresh said into the quiet house.

He put himself to work installing 'borrowed' speakers and finished just in time for the cookies to be done.

Taking a plate to the living room he flopped on the couch with his phone grabbing one and munching on it with a smile at completing his mundane tasks.

"Alexa, play 90's Greatest Hits." (A/N: naturally)

The music made the silence a lot more bearable as he sent out a text informing the affected copies of Undertale, Underswap, Swapfell, Underfell and SwapSwap about Ax3 wanting to apologize after the 6 month penalty Fresh gave him. He named the group chat Axe Body Spray.

On the plus side it also introduces them to each other should they ever want to talk about it.

Predictably they were not taking the news well, having been under the assumption Fresh killed Ax3. Or imprisoned in the case of the non-fell AU's.

At some point the Sanses/Papyruses of the universes came in and were hogging the Frisk's/Chara's phones to interrogate Fresh. Rude. He could tell when things started to be written in all upper or lower case.

Fresh sat up realizing he had a lot of typing to do if he wanted them to give Ax3 a chance. At least via text he didn't have to go through meaningless intimidation tactics.

Because Fresh was in the Void and the AU's happened to be at similar speeds, time lined up fairly well for them all luckily. Ax3 probably just grabbed the closest AU's he could.

Fresh went into more detail explaining how what Ax3 did was due to a communication gap between realities and that he was genuinely not intending things to go so far. Fresh also let slip that Ax3 was only 16 in the hopes it would smooth things over a little.

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