Ch. 54 - The Destiny of FGoD

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Error didn't expect Ink to go with the Spartan kick, but what's done was done. And what was done was weird. Not to knit pick, but Error was hoping to go with a little more style. (A/N: *inserts image of Error doing a backflip into the Void into your brain* you're welcome :))

But, once again, that was over. It was all over now. And Error could finally rest.

Error was in the Void.

He expected it to be painful, but it was rather ... peaceful. If a little eerie. Soon enough a familiar presence made itself known and Error nearly wept in relief. Slowly the presence enveloped him in a gentle hug, so light it was nearly imagined. Error relaxed into his Mom's hold. It had been literal centuries since they had met face to face ... even if her true form could not become corporeal so close to the multiverse, Error still cherished the reunion.

"You have done well my child." Destiny said, also choked up with emotion. He could tell she was proud.

"I've m-m-m-missed you ..." Error told her honestly, as tears finally welled up. Speaking made it feel real.

"I know, sweetie, I know." Destiny reassured. "I've missed you too. But we cannot stay here long. You know what is to be done?"

Error nodded, sadly. "You're s-s-s-sending me away." He thought of those he was leaving behind and trusted they would be well taken care of.

"Just until I can get my sister to reason." Destiny's presence ghosted over Error's skull in reassurance. "The new multiverse is called NaJ. There is no balance to hold and magic has long since gone out of practice, so fear not." She gave a watery, if fond laugh. "Though you do not remember it, you once said you wanted to be a teacher after all this was done."

"Me? A t-t-t-teacher?" Error also laughed, before he gave a soft smile, thinking of the Chara Realm. "... that might b-b-b-be nice."

"I know you'll do amazing." Destiny praised. "Fair-"

"Sorry ta interrupt yo radtasticaly touching reunion, yo." Fresh interjected.

"Wut?" Destiny gave the impression of bafflement.

"F-F-F-Fresh!?" A wave of glitches jolted through his body in shock. "What are you d-d-d-doing here!?"

"I live here, broski!" Fresh said, jovial gesturing to his Void House which was behind him. At least it was now. Don't ask - the Void is weird.

"This should not be possible ..." Destiny said in surprise. "No creature below that of a god should be able to-"

A new presence appeared. It was Void, and he was laughing.

<Well Fresh, you've simply out done yourself now! Hahaha!>

"Void!" Destiny said, surprised yet again and a little annoyed. "What is the meaning of this!"

"Go on, pops." Fresh said. "Tell her."

Void controlled his laughing fit long enough to explain. <Destiny, allow me to introduce you to my Child, Fresh. Admin Fresh.>

"Wut?" That did not seem to help the confusion.

<I jest not, had you been watching Karaoke Night you would have known. I am surprised gossip had not reached you by now.>

"You say that like I wasn't tricking Fate into sending Error to safety." Destiny huffed.

"Speaking of my s-s-s-safety." Error started with a deadpan expression. "I think I'm starting to f-f-f-feel the effects of being in the True Void too long." He held up his heavily glitching hands. "And as much as I a-a-a-absolutely adore the view, do you mind if we s-s-s-speed things along?" Even in this situation, the sarcasm was thick.

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