Ch. 28 - Gear Up Snowflake

3K 145 129

When the colorful cloud dissipated, Fresh Spiffy and Snasy stood in a wintery clearing surrounded by frosted pine.

The three take a moment to appreciate the sight. It was Fresh's first time experiencing snow and he enjoyed the satisfying crunch it made underfoot and how the light caught the lazily drifting snowflakes.

Snasy shivered and looked at Spiffy's rugby-like long sleeve shirt jealousy. "Man, I wish I had a sweater. But at the same time ..." They crouched down and grabbed a handful of snow, shaping it into a more round shape, holding it with a thoughtful look. "It's also not as cold as it should be. Like standing in front of an open fridge."

Spiffy shrugged. "Probably just attribute any weirdness to magic ... heh, now that's something I never thought I'd say unironically." They looked up at the cave ceiling high above their heads and stuck their tongue out.

The action confused Fresh. What were they-? Spiffy laughed when they caught a snowflake causing it to melt. Thinking it looked fun, Fresh copied the maneuver. Being successful in catching a snowflake, he looked down and saw Snasy who was for some unknown reason blushing and looking at him - maybe it was the cold.

Probably the cold.

"Sup?" Fresh asked, raising an eyebrow. "Somethin' on my face, broseph?"

They opened their mouth as if to reply, but shut it as if changing what they were going to say.

"Eh. Nothing." They said turning away, seeing an unimpressed expression on Spiffy. "Anyway! Hackers to fight, or ... whatever, right?" After a momentary pause, they added in concern. "I just realized we don't have armor, weapons or items."

"Oh!" Fresh snapped his fingers. "Knew I be forgetting somethin', bros. Try one o' these rad boyo's out."

From his inventory he emptied numerous objects onto the snow. Weapons such as duel yo-yo's, lawn darts, a d20 D&D die, and a squeaky mallet. Armor included a fanny pack, neon bomber jacket, a tie-dye bandana and the nokia phone.

He decided to keep his Skatebored and Batt equipped for himself. Patiently he waited as the two decided what they were going to use. He took the time to scout through the code. The Hacker seemed to be making their way through the Ruins.

He saw their LOVE increase.

The two Players Checked each Items buffs and debuffs, trying to find the balance that suited them the best.



*Duel Yo-Yo's

ATK 10

*Attack four consecutive times.

*A fight with flair! It just keeps coming back for more.


*Lawn Darts

ATK 22

*Critical doubles ATK output. Low accuracy.

*Straight to the point.




*ATK power multiplied by roll number (1-20) each turn.

*You're a NATURAL gambler, aren't you?


*Squeaky Mallet.

ATK 25

*Heals 3 HP each successful attack.

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