Ch. 17 - Duh-duh-duh-duh

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How to explain this without giving the kiddos an existential crisis about the reality of their multiverse and yet let them understand?

Fresh could still hear and see the two from the window above Frisk, Snasy freaking out. He ignored them.

"Well, dawg." Fresh said, to both kids. "Technically speaking, you've both been partially possessed by a couple of interdimensional aliens, bros."

It was for the best if he omitted the bit about it not likely being the only time. Or that it was done with permission from the multiverse itself.

Frisk and Chara both couldn't decide between looking worried or disbelieving. Gaster nodded along, so they settled for worry. Gaster was still casually sipping his coffee.

"FYI, they also be the ones that saved you from the unradicalness of the True Void." Fresh continued to explain. "These type of extraterrestrials here are called Hacker-bros and can ..." How to word it so that he doesn't mention the world being a Game. "Manipulate reality, you could say. So, earlier, time froze for a bit and I used one o' muh skillz ta communicate despite that, offered the two Hackers a radical deal, but one slipped causing them to fully possess Chara and time to start again. Used another skill to temporarily evict 'em, but it ain't a permanent fix, dude. Which reminds me - Spiffy?" Fresh called.

They were too distracted, chatting with Snasy. Probably didn't help that just saying their name wasn't going to change how they heard the text sound. Fresh sighed, pinching his nasal ridge and played 'incidental music' to catch their attention. Luckily it worked.

Confused Gaster, Frisk and Chara though.

"Wha- No! Did we miss something?" Spiffy said.

"Not much, brotato." Fresh answered, looking up. "But now that I have your attention, ya might as well make your choice. Made a deal with the big man/gal to let you flip over onto a place that'll let ya create your own Vessel rather than borrowing these two. Also-"

Fresh went into their accessibility settings and enabled 'Text to Speech.'

"-I think you'll find this more convenient, dawg. Consider it a bonus."

"Holy shiz!" Spiffy said, eyebrows raising at the sound of his voice.

"What's going on?" Snasy said, frustrated that they had to wait to log back on.

"Fresh just changed the text duh-duh-duh-duh sound into full on voice acting in the accessibility section!"

"Nooo! I knew I should have checked if there was voice acting. Tell me he sounds hot at least?"

Spiffy didn't answer, which Fresh appreciated.

*What did you do? Frisk asked, not seeing any changes. Chara was also giving Fresh an intense stare as Gaster looked on with that ever present curious/amused air.

Fresh messed up Frisk's hair.

"Don' worry about it, brolio." Fresh gave them a smile. "Just speakin' their language is all."

*You speak interdimensional alien? Frisk gave him their signature expression.

Spiffy snorted.

"In a way." Fresh said mysteriously. "Was a lot less weird without an audience though, homeslice. It's kinda awkward being the only one in the room ta see 'em at the mo, bro."

"What do they look like?" Chara asked.

Fresh was surprised.

"So ya couldn't see 'em while they were all up in yo buiz?"

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