Ch. 19 - Drop On In

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At the party...

The pile of black bones and black/blue rags by the moniker 'Error' sprung into a sitting position. His eye sockets blinked owlishly just once.

"Well that c-c-c-could have been worse." He said out loud, voice lagging in a pseudo stutter.

"ERROR!" Blue yelled from the stage worriedly, peeking around a disgruntled (and concerned) Nightmare. "ARE YOU OKAY??"

Error gave a thumbs up, ignoring the minor fracture and numerous reopened wounds that creaked slightly with the movement. Regardless, the gesture reassured the Bad Sans's and their allies who went back to what they were doing while Blue fussed over the liar - er, Destroyer.

Everyone knew Error had a stupidly high pain tolerance. They also knew that with Blue on his case they had nothing to worry about. It was when Error did admit he was hurt they needed to worry.

Fresh turned to the gray scale Frisk.

"Dis happen often, brollio?"

They shrugged, watching the interaction. "Enough."

"Huh." Fresh said, tossing up some popcorn and catching it in his mouth. "BTW, I don't think I caught your rad nick, little androgi-dude."

"It's Core." They turned to Fresh. "But please, refer to me as Frisk. I oversee the Omega Timeline."


"Oh!" Fresh was pleasantly surprised.

Void had briefly - very briefly - explained what roles some of the lesser voids played. Fresh knew that the Omega Timeline was the destination for those who survived an abandoned genocide route, or those who lost their world. He had almost forgotten.

Basically, it was the Multiverse's homeless shelter.

Those without an AU, eh.

"So you're the radical caretaker of that void. This is perfect!" Fresh turned to face Core fully. "I have a couple o' gnarly friends that could use your tubular expertise, yo. A Frisk and Chara from one Outertale 567."

Core gave him a briefly confused expression. "Of course I'd be willing to take them. However, didn't they fall to the Void, like the rest?"


"Wait. How'd you know that, broseph?"

"It's complicated. Am I wrong?"

"Nope. You're not wrong." Fresh said simply with a complicated smirk. "I'll drop 'em off sometime. Popcorn?" Fresh shook the popcorn container in an offer.

"... Pass." They turned away. "I don't need to eat."

"I mean ... I don' either." Fresh said, popping another piece of buttery goddess into his mouth. "But that don' mean it ain't fun ta discover new flavors, man."

They turned back. Fresh shook the popcorn again, raising an eyebrow. They puffed out their checks in a manor that was reminiscent of the kid they once were.

"I don't need it."

Fresh shrugged with a light chuckle and leaned back, closing his socket briefly. "Alrighty, brotato. Just thought I'd offer."

When he looked back the seat was empty. He looked around and saw them chatting with Sci. Sci was asking how accurate a portion of his notes was when Chaos interrupted. Chaos tried to sneak up behind them with their hovering for a hug and failed when Core moved (without moving) a few feet away.

He caught a snippet of their conversation.

"Hey, Apple Core." Chaos said amused. "-Don't call me that-" "Can I have my switch back? I promise I probably won't make it rain frogs in the Omega Timeline again in the near future."

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