Ch. 56 - Noot Noot Mother Fu-

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Dream took a step toward Nightmare, hand outreached. "Brother-"

"DON'T." Nightmare warned harshly, taking a matching step back to maintain the distance and ease the strain of his weakened Fate. If he got too much closer, he may not be handling it as well as he was. It was an old and familiar struggle.

When Nightmare had left the portal, he had been surprised that they weren't fighting, as that had been what he had prepared for. It was good, but having shown up he could tell that tensions were rising again - which was not his intention.

After a brief chat in their castle, he and his followers decided that they wanted to provide Fresh backup in interrupting Destiny's plan ... and in the process fight their Fates. Though, they may not have gone through with it, if Nightmare hadn't felt Fate's influence slacken enough to make it seem possible.

Though it was still screaming at him to attack, he could grit his teeth and bear it. He just needed to keep his direct focus off of his brother.

As such, he couldn't have Dream approach him either.

"Don't get any closer." His expression was stuck in one of fury, but for the briefest moment something genuine showed through. Worry.

And even as a few of the Sans's started wondering if this was all one big trick, Dream knew it was no lie. He was filled with hope as he did as his brother bid. Even going so far as to step back with a nod.

"Report." Nightmare instructed Error, and did his best to avoid looking at Dream.

He was going to ask Fresh, but with all these eye sockets on them, he decided it prudent to not act familiar with the 90's skeleton.

Error shrugged and off handedly spoke a quick summary. "Ambush happened and got sent to the Void as p-p-p-planned. Fresh b-b-b-brought me back before Mo- Destany sent me off. We were in the middle of e-e-e-explaining Fate."

Nightmare's tentacles twitched at the hated deities' name. The fact that it had been spoken with such ease and in such presence, Nightmare could only assume it was the Admin's doing, which bode well for the future. Anyone else in charge could only be an improvement over Fate - even this child.

Fresh, meanwhile, had givin finger guns at his part in the story. He shouldn't be surprised that Fresh could enter and exit the True Void at will; Fresh being the Void deities Child and all.

Nightmare merely nodded at the information with a sigh, maneuvering his tendrils into a shape that allowed him to lounge on them like a throne. "Proceed then." His skull propped up on a hand as he settled to watch the proceedings while ignoring the incessant whining of Fates string.

Ink seeing an opening decided to ask his next question to Error. "So how did you stop Fates control?"

"Introducing the s-s-s-strongest being in the Multiverse or whatever." Error said, giving sarcastic jazz hands at Fresh's direction. "Admin Fresh."

Fresh gave a two finger salute. "Yo."

Ink looked at his scarf and saw his note about Fresh being his brother, though there was no other info on him, and it didn't include the word Admin.

Deciding to trust that Fresh had things under control regarding this manipulative deity, he started taking his paints. He was fairly satisfied he could get his answers without suddenly going all murderous again.

While Ink was doing that, a Fellswap Sans decided to speak up from the crowed that was keeping a respectful/fearful distance with a scowl. He did pretty well not showing how scared he was with getting the attention of the group and in turn the Destroyer of Worlds and King of Nightmare's.

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