Ch. 67 - Uno

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Dream studied his cards once again before looking around the table.

Killer exuded a dark aura, the last round ending with him picking up 10 cards having been caught cheating. Horror's expression was hard to read, but his frustrated emotions were clear - even though he was down to 3 cards, none were green. Cross pouted at his grand total of 25 cards, the entire table using the reflection of his comically large knife on his back to their advantage.

Dust and Dream both had 2 cards left. The two were 1-1 from the past two games.

Eye lights moved shiftily over cards as the tensions rose and the two stared each other down.

It was Dreams turn.

When Dream first joined the impromptu game night, they had been very adamant with starting with poker. Until Dream started winning. In hindsight they should have seen it coming - Dream played against Blue more than even Dust and also could read their emotions.

It wasn't cheating. It was merely using all the tools at his disposal.

And so they moved onto Uno like they told Nightmare in the first place.

Dream reached for one of the last cards in his hand.

"don't you dare." Dust's eye lights did not waver.

The table turned to look at Dust.

Gripping the card Dream maintained the stare off.

Dream tugged the card the tiniest bit out of his hold.

The table turned to look at Dream.


The card was freed from his card hand.

"dream, no."

Dreams poker face cracked as he smugly smiled.

"Dream, yes."

He placed down the card and spoke the dreaded word. "Uno."

Dust's skull made contact with the table as he groaned in defeat.

Horror was already gathering up the cards as Killer tossed his full hand messily onto the table. Horror gave Cross a consolidating pat as he was handed his cards.

Without looking up Dust held out a hand to Dream and mumbled something.

"Didn't quite catch that?"

With a disgruntled sigh he popped his head up marginally so that his words were understandable. "i said good game, highlighter. sheesh."

Dream smiled and shook the offered hand. "Sure was!"

"so you won, two out of three as agreed." Killer said, leaning back dangerously in his chair with his arms crossed. "one question and we have to answer."

Dream looked at his interlocked hand in his lap, a smile still present but softer. "Well ... I can think of something."

"yeah?" Dust prompted.

"Is ... is Night happy here?"

The quartet shared a look.

"I mean, aside from Fate and the fighting and ... yeah." Dream went on, fidgeting. "He is happy, right?"

The table was silent for a few moments before a quiet voice spoke.

"i think so." Cross answered. "i might not have been here as long as the others, but even i can tell, despite how prickly nightmare sometimes acts, he cares and enjoys his time here. Even if it's rare, i'll sometimes catch a laugh or smile."

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