Ch. 45 - The Past That Passed

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Destiny snuggled into her bed, wracked with guilt over what was about to happen to her child. At the very least she had Chaos warn him earlier. Let him know he could back out, anytime ... Though he might feel pressured, since it means getting back at Fate.

What happened to her and Fate? Was this really what they had come to? They used to be so close.

A long, long time ago in a galaxy far- no. Wait. That's been done.

In a time when Time himself was young and were only a few dozen original AU's in the multiverse, the deities played with the carefree air of children as the balance was maintained with ease.

Space, Time, Luck and Karma played tag while Void sat alone reading. As always, when Void got to the good part the book vanished from his excited grasp leaving him disappointed. Time laughed and handed Void a copy of the book.

Meanwhile Destiny and Fate made flower crowns, already bored of the game and not very interested in winning.

"There!" Fate said, placing a complete crown on Destiny's head with a smile. Destiny smiled back.

Destiny continued to work on her crown, as Fate began to fidget in thought.

"Hey." Destiny asked. "What's up?"

"I ..." Fate paused trying to get the words out. "I've been thinking of making someone."

"Oh?" Destiny asked, interested enough to leave the mostly made crown on her lap. "A someone? Not approving an AU? Do tell."

"Well. His name would be Ink." Fate said. "Someone in chat asked how I was treating him in this multiverse and ... we got talking." Fate was absently ripping a flower appart. "He would be able to make copies of AU's. That way they don't get lonely. You-" Fate looked at Destiny with a kind smile. "You promise to help me?"

She held up a pinky and Destiny giggled. She took the finger with her own.

"Promise." Destiny said, eyes lighting up with excitement. "I'll even make my own and they can be cousins!"

"But wouldn't that mean-" Fate blinked.

Destiny interlocked her hand with Fates. "You're going to be a great mum. I promise."

It was only after the joking jabs about whose Child was better became more serious that things started down hill.


Ink rarely dreams. And when he does, it tends to be so nonsensical, Dream even gave him weirded out looks after once having peaked.

Not that he remembered.

Anyway, Ink was dreaming. And not some nonsensical wash of color, but almost like ... a memory?

He was drawing and humming a tune when someone sat beside him.


Dream Ink, rather than start a fight, proudly showed off what he's been working on. "Hi Error! I drew something for you!"

Error hid something behind his back. "Oh? And w-w-w-what is it?" Error smirked.

"It's um." Ink looked at the drawing before back at Error. His memory had been getting worse. "It's you as a superhero! Cuz you're my hero." Ink beamed and Errors smile softened

"I m-m-m-made something for you too." Error admitted, revealing a long light brown scarf. It looked to be made of sturdy yet flexible material.

He can ... make things?

Dream Inks eye lights turned to stars "I love it!" He proudly put it on and posed for Error who laughed. The scarf billowed like a cape and Ink let out a small, "Mweh heh."

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