Ch. 42 - Hotel Skellator

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Fresh sighed as the three mob bosses looked him and Ax3 down for answers. He rubbed his skull through his hat.

Not to sound like a whiny kid but ... Did he have to?

He's getting pretty sick of having this conversation. Maybe he should just hand out flyers at the end of his job or something? That seemed easier.

But right now Fresh could use a nap. It was a long day. Man, he was starting to sound like a Sans.

Well, explaining things never was part of his job. He was just trying to be nice.

Welp, that settles it!

He looked back at the trio with a smirk and his shades changed to NO-LOL (A/N: in honor of MelatoninCandies).

"Y'know what, friends?" Fresh said. "I'll take a rain check." Without further adieu Fresh Fresh Poofed out of there along with his pal Ax3.

The three mob bosses were left in the confused confetti of the burning building, looking at each other in quiet question about what they might have just been involved with.

There was the sound of an old fashioned siren - a firetruck. At least a 1920's version of the aid.


"Sans?" Frisk asked, raising an eyebrow.

Sans gave a gruff sigh. "don't know what we're gonna tell the boss."

The three vanished into a shortcut as if they were never there. You know. Besides the literal fire and carnage. But who's keeping track? As far as the law's concerned, they were never near that building.


Fresh, Ax3 and Zane appeared on the driveway of the skeleton mansion of the Alpha Timeline. Fresh and Ax3 via the Poof and Zane pixelating into existence.

"Broski!" Fresh said jovially, throwing his arms open for a hug at the newest addition to his group of Hacker/Players. "It's been ages yo!"

Zanes snorted, but hesitantly went with it. That is until he got a mischievous glint in his eye and Fresh was surprised receiving a big bear hug with a loud barking type laugh.

Well Zane got over his nerves fast.

"I take it this means I'm forgiven?" Zane asked amused, looking down at Fresh.

At least he wasn't taller than that Mafiatale Sans ... which looked more like a Mafiafell. Did Ink mislabeled an AU? Fresh was mildly amused with the thought. (A/N: when in doubt - blame Ink XD)

"Only in a gnarly personal stance broski." Fresh said teasingly, tapping out of the hug and Zane relenting. "You're not reducing your unradical ban any further, kay brolio?"

Fresh surveyed the AU around them.

According to the code it was past dinner time. The sky agreed.

Zane laughed. "Yeah. No, I deserved that. Uh ..." He scratched his jaw. "Does this mean I can't stream this game anymore?"

"Hmm." Fresh rubbed his chin in thought, then smirked a shrug. "Sure. If ya really want ta start talking to the air like a loon. There ain't no rad Rule against it. Pretty sure there up and be speedrunners in this verse. Though them be Players, my brodacious bro."

Zane opened his mouth before shutting it, then opening it again to speak. "Right. I guess that would look a little weird from this side. Do you have a camera I could use as justification?"

Fresh smiled lopsidedly, at the idea.

"Ya really want ta stream, huh, bro-dude?" Fresh humored the guy and summoned one. It wasn't a new model, but it also wasn't old.

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