Ch. 40 - Fight Club

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In the basement room beyond there was a ring of people surrounding Copy Ink and some random human as they fought. Ink looked to have been winning before they all paused at the sight of the big guns.

"this is our turf, ya lazy copy cats!" Sans declared. "no one hustles the 'shine here but us."


They began firing, aiming mostly at the containers of what was filled with moonshine bottles, but also catching the poor soul who happened to be seated on the product. It was clear it wasn't meant to eradicate them all, just send a message. Though clearly they didn't care about the collateral.

A lot of people either returned fire or fled out the stairwells.

"They got Berry!" One shouted.

Fresh, having learned from experience, cracked several rows of bone to take the impact for him and Ax3 (who was covering his ears). The bone bros took care of themselves and Frisk.

The shoot out only lasted a few minutes, but felt longer.

The only ones left present (or alive), seemed to be the copies of Ink, Nightmare, Dream, Error and their ring leader Zane.

He(?) looked like a middle aged man and seemed to be watching the fight intensely with interest and excitement. His Avatar was very similar to his normal appearance except more muscular and taller.

But what really bugged Fresh was Twitch was open.

This was a streamer.

While the person behind the screen laughed, his Avatar's expression didn't so much twitch as his soul wasn't connected.

"So cool." He said from behind the screen to his audience. "Like I said guys, this game's servers are very reactive. It looks like we have our first Hacker Raid as well and- IS THAT FRESH ON THEIR TEAM!?" His face looked doomed. "Hold on chat, this is going to be a rough fight. Even I couldn't find his code."

At some point the spilt liquor had caught fire, probably a spare spark from a gun.

There the Hacker's Avatar stood illuminated in the glow, sparks fell down from a busted light bulb. It was like something seen from an action movie- oh wait, correction. Video Game.

A glance back showed Ax3 had already opened his coding window and was trying to free the copies from Zanes control. He started with Nightmare.

Zane opened the code on his computer and redirected the copies attention into targeting Fresh, Sans, Papyrus, Frisk and Ax3. Catching onto the tampering, Zane began to fight for dominance over the code.

Without further adieu the battle began, Error's string searching for Fresh's soul and not finding it in his ribs allowing Fresh to grip the attack and pull Error into falling on his face.

"Error, broski, ya missed!" Fresh taunts.

Before Error could make it back up, Fresh delivered a harsh blow to the back of Error's skull using his elbow. It was a harsh attack and even left Error bleeding magic, but didn't defeat him. Fresh dodged bones that ended up embedded into the ceiling as he gave Error another kick to the skull.

He gave a chop to the back of Dreams neck just before he was about to lose an arrow at Ax3. While Dream stumbled, Fresh threw him at Nightmare who was fighting alongside Ink against the bone brothers. There was a hiss as their charged magic made contact with each other, and both brothers screamed in pain before parting.

Sans was about to take advantage of the situation to skewer them both with a bone. Papyrus and Frisk both were barely managing to hold off Inks' assault.

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