Ch. 14 - Multiverse Networking

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Blue took a moment as he returned to his room, getting comfortable.

Now then! He had a 90's skeleton to investigate.

He pulled out his phone. His most prized possession.

Blue sent out several texts to various multiverse groups to assure the highest probability of finding info about Fresh and to inform everyone.

He texted the following groups.

To the Star Council in an official capacity as one of its leaders (well, mostly mascot), making sure to mention that Fresh was now Inks adopted brother so they don't think he's a threat. Considering the Council was formed to combat the multiverses 'dark side' it was possible, so he made sure to be clear and reassuring.

To the Omega Timeline in case Fresh happened to be an only AU surviver or dropped by. If anyone would know, it would be Core Frisk. Though sometimes they didn't answer because it would be better to find out on his own.

To Lady Life and her network of Ruin Caretakers. They usually monitor the Fallen Humans so that they can give Life and by extension Death a heads up if it looks like genocide just in case no Reset comes. A grim job, but important. Error was the one to introduce Blue to Life after the Anti-Void had started to corrupt Blue's code.

The Lemonade was good. The Lemons ... not so much.

To the Chara Support System where those of the First Fallen hang out, train and eat chocolate. Most of the time the Last Fallen will blame the First Fallen for the genocide runs when the only thing they do is finish the route. Blue asked his Frisk once why and the reply was something along the lines of not giving Chara a satisfying ending as payback for slaughtering their family and as an incentive to do better next time.

Then there was Team Great Skeletons ... the name could use work. A secret club of the Papyrus types that were brothers to those in the Star Council where they could spare, train and just hang out. Occasionally they sneak away for outings when the Sans types are busy with a meeting.

Because if the Sans's get their secrets, then Papyrus's were going to play the same game. It took a while before inviting Blue, as he was already on the Council. But he's glad he got to join, as he could give them a heads up when meetings were going to come up.

The last trip was to Oceantale and was very fun, even if it meant missing a meeting. He wished he could have invited the Bad Sans, but that would ruin the point of a secret club.

It was surprising how little everyone knew how much others knew. But Blue wasn't going to betray anyone's secrets.

Blue had no idea how he became the center of so many information hotspots and not slipped up.

He put it down to Luck.

After some consideration, he also sent one out to the AU Trade Network - basically a Multi-Net site for advertisements that deliver services or supplies across the Multiverse. Mostly from Underconstruction, Medictale, Farmtale, Undermall, Bittytale, etc.

But there were also a few chat rooms so they could coordinate efforts and gossip. It took a lot of begging to get access, but when Blue offered to better inform them of big Council movements so they could prepare materials in advance, he got in.

It might have been a little far asking if they saw Fresh there - it truly felt like spying when you brought up a person's grocery history - but better to cover the bases!

Blue held out on texting the Bad Sans though. He was going to see them in - he looked at the time only to bolt upright.

Oh no! He was almost late to being early!

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