Chapter 4: make it stop

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When Madame Pomfrey returned with Blaise and Pansy, they noticed the two hugging each other on the floor crying.
"What's going on here?" Poppy Pomfrey asked. Severus stood up and pulled Draco up with him.
"You poor boy, you look scared to death, let's clean you up" Poppy said and pulled his t-shirt off and gave him a new change of clothes to put on. Draco took it and got changed quickly, "do you want to go downstairs for lunch, and then come back up?" She asked Draco calmly. Draco nodded and headed toward Pansy and Blaise who were standing in the doorway for him.

The trio went downstairs, and when they got to the great hall, they bumped into a familiar trio, Harry, Ron and Hermione. Ron shouted at Draco, "watch where your going you git, just leave us alone malfoy. Your a useless twat."

"Sorry, I'll leave" Draco said not bothering to put on his fake mask and rub rudeness into their faces. This shocked the golden trio, but as Draco, Pansy and Blaise were leaving, Ron pushed Draco over and told him, "your useless just stop being a dick for gods sake." And pushed him over. Draco stood up and was walking away, but Hermione now shoved him and shouted, "do you here us?! Leave. Us. Alone. Your not helping anyone so just fuck off!" People were staring at the scene, Draco was shocked he never thought granger had the guts to swear. Ever.
Draco mumbled an 'okay' and left for his table, trying to hold back the tears that were prickling his eyes.

He sat down and picked at some toast until Pansy spurted, "Draco please eat something."
"Not hungry," Draco replied after a moment.
"Okay, just eat something today" Pansy said reassuringly.

Afterwards, he went back up to the infirmary and saw Dumbledore and Snape talking to each other. "Draco, sir please." Dumbledore asked. Draco sat down on the bed he was motioning to.
"Now Severus tells me your father was here and was hitting you, what happened?" Dumbledore asked calmly.

Draco stood up and walked backwards, away from the two. "No," he said firmly.
"What do you mean 'no'?" Dumbledore asked.
"I mean no, I'm not telling you, my father will kill me." Draco said.
"Draco, we need you to tell us" Snape said, but Draco had already stopped listening. He was now having a panic attack.

"Draco, what's wrong?" Severus asked. But Draco couldn't listen, he couldn't think. He just collapsed. He then started to hyperventilate and saw memories, the memories with his father, the bad memories he wanted to forget about.
"Draco" Lucius yelled through Malfoy manor. Draco hurriedly ran down the stairs to where his father was. "Yes?" Draco asked. "You have to have it" Lucius said, Draco didn't know what on earth he was on about. "What do you mean?" Lucius didn't say anything he just dragged Draco to the next room where the death eaters nearing was taking place. "Ah, Draco, come to join us?" Voldemort asked. "What the-" but he was cut off when Lucius covered his mouth and shoved him in-front of you-know-who. He pulled out his wand and casted a spell which forced the dark mark onto him. Draco screamed so loud because of the pain that it probably could of smashed a window.
"Draco, what's wrong?" Severus asked the boy. Draco screamed a blood-curdling scream that could have shattered the twos eardrums.

"Hey,hey,hey, Draco?" Severus asked kneeling down to his level. Draco had snapped back to reality. He hugged his godfather and cried into his shoulder repeating 'make it stop', but Snape and dumbledore didn't know what he meant.

If only they knew.

I don't want to be a Malfoy anymore (drarry fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now