Chapter 31

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Hey guys!
Happy new years!!!
How are u all? Love u

The two boys realised that they were going to be late for the train.
They quickly got up and grabbed the clothes and sprinted down the corridors. They soon made it to the great hall where everyone was eating breakfast.
The two boys ran in Draco with messy hair and a pair of jeans and a white top, while Harry wore a loose hoodie and joggers.

People stared at them as the two ran in and went to the gryffindor table and grabbed toast and a coffee.
Harry quickly said "shit."
"What's wrong?" Draco asked.
"I haven't packed!" Harry shouted.
"Want me to help?" He asked.
"No it's alr gotta go tho," Harry said as he shoved toast in his mouth and washed it down with the last of his coffee. "See u" he whispered to Draco as he pecked him on the lips and ran off.

Harry's pov (his story):
Harry ran to the common room and then to his dorm. He quickly grabbed his clothes, books, Hedwig, parchment and ink etc. 
He grabbed all his stuff and piled it near the entrance where filch would take them all.
As he turned around he saw a figure at the end of the corridor. He didn't think much of it and kept on walking. He soon realised who it was.
Lucius Malfoy.
He quickly turned around and ran down the stairs in a hurry as he ran to Harry.

Dracos pov before Lucius came:
Draco are his breakfast knowing he didn't need to worry about his luggage as he got the elves to do them and his dad would leave him alone, hopefully.
He ate a full breakfast with Pansy and Blaise and then went up to his dorm.
His luggage hadn't been taken down so Draco grabbed his stuff and took it down. He quickly went down a corridor but stopped as he tripped.
"Fuck sakes" he muttered under his breath as he tied his shoe lace. He heard faint footsteps but didn't bother. He kept on walking down until he heard heavy footsteps and panting. He turned to see Harry.
"Harry?" He asked.
"Draco, run!!" Harry screamed at him.
The two boys quickly ran down the corridor.
Draco looked behind him to see a ghostlike, bloodshotted lucius.
"Oh shit, not this again!" He shouted as his pace quickened.
They soon managed to go down several corridors and hid in a classroom.
Harry breathed heavily, as he hid.
Draco put a hand onto his own mouth and on Harry's.
They soon heard footprints and then fading away.
They waited for several seconds and then peered out.

Suddenly Lucius ran at them with a wide tooth-eyed smile. He shoved Draco down as he tried to squirm out of him. Lucius knocked Draco out and lunged at Harry and knocked him out.
He locked the door and waited for them to wake up.
"Sliencio" Lucius muttered so no one would hear them.
Harry and Draco arose later.
"Draco?" Harry asked as he was thumped in the head.
Lucius grabbed a knife and began cutting him and stabbing Draco.
"Crucio" he said menacingly as the two boys squirmed in pain.

He beat and cut them, so they were barely breathing.
"I told u to stop being a fag" Lucius boomed at draco.
"He doesn't want u, u think he wants u? You are nothing, ur a lowlife, ugly, miserable death eater." He shouted as he thwacked him.

He soon left smiling.
Harry managed to get up and hauled Draco over his shoulder.
They quickly ran down to the entrance where Minerva was guiding the last and lost kids.
"Professor!" Harry shouted, bleeding.
"Oh my!" Minerva screamed.
She ushered the last kiss out and told filch to delay the train for a few minutes.
Professor flitwilck soon came with Madame pomfrey.
"Oh my dear what happened?" She asked.
"Lucius Malfoy," Harry said barely breathing.

Imma leave u on a cliffhanger love u guys
Thx for the support lately

I don't want to be a Malfoy anymore (drarry fanfic) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon