Chapter 26

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When the two boys made their way to the astronomy tower, they sat down and looked at the beautiful sunset, happy.
They were alone and they had set up a little picnic with sandwiches, crisps, cake, fruit and butterbeer to wash it all down with.
They spent 45 minutes together taking, eating and staring at the beautiful sunset.
Harry yawned happily and kissed Draco on the cheek softly.

Lucius POV:
I was hiding at the back of the astronomy tower as I had been spying on my son. I thought he would have brought that Pansy girl.
But he brought POTTER?!
'No my son can't be gay!' I thought to myself as I was panicking  in the shadows.
'I'm handing my legacy over to a fag and POTTER!' I thought loudly and I grabbed at my hair, frustrated.
No this can't happen.

Back to readers POV:
The two boys enjoyed the quiet. You rarely got any peace at hogwarts but they finally got it, but for once they wanted the noise they wanted to know that someone good was there.

Suddenly there was another loud crash and bang from behind them. They turned around frantically to see a raged Lucius Malfoy.
"You! YOU MADE MY SON GAY, A FAG, A DISGRACE!!" Lucius shouted at them while pointing at Harry.
He lunged towards them in a pit of fury and tackled them.
Lucius grabbed at draco as he caught a handful of his hair.
Draco yelped in pain and Lucius looked at Harry with a Cheshire Cat grin.
"You'll never get him back," Lucius thought as he pushed Draco off the tower.

Everything felt surreal, it felt as if everything was going so slowly.
"Is this the end? Is this how it feels when u die?" Draco thought to himself as he felt his body weight move down.
He braced himself for impact.
Suddenly a loud bang echoed around him.
He opened his eyes and saw Harry grabbing at his shirt and Harry clinging onto the edge of the tower.
"Climb up!" Harry shouted.
Draco quickly tried climbing up and grabbed onto the edge as well.
They both managed to get up, exhausted and tired.
"Wait wheres my father?" Draco asked.
"He- he tried to kill me so I dodged it with a spell and then he suddenly disappeared. At that point I managed to grab you," Harry explained to him.

"Can we go now?" Draco asked.
"Yeah cmon," he said, leaving the picnic.
"Stop!" Draco shouted.
"What? WHATS WRONG?!" Harry screamed.
"We can't leave the picnic Draco said as he piled the stuff away and stuffed a sandwich in his mouth.
Harry cracked up laughing as they went down the stairs and into the great hall.
They were a bit late and got a few glances but they didn't care. "Right u take this," Draco said as he passed the picnic basket to him "and I will see you outside the slytherin common room in 20" and they separated.

Harry thought to himself, "god I'm dating the slytherin prince, DRACO MALFOY! I'm the luckiest man alive istg," he thought happily as he made his way to sit with Hermione, ron, neville, dean, seamus and Ginny.

I don't want to be a Malfoy anymore (drarry fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now