Chapter 24

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Hey guys how are u all?
Really hope ur doing well with the news of the queen
God bless her i will miss her
Anyway hope u enjoy the next chapter

When Draco, Pansy and Blaise all arrived back at hogwarts they went straight to Dumbledore and told him what happened.
Draco was shook by it all.
He sat in a chair infront of Dumbledores desk expressionless and numb.
He just wanted to cry.
"Draco what do u think?" Pansy asked him, but Draco wasn't listening.
He had zoned out.
He imagined this was all some horrible nightmare and he would wake up and his father was nice to him.
'What did I do to deserve this?'
'Why does this always happen?'
'Why cant i live a normal life?'
'Why did potter of all people help him? I mean him?'
All these questions ran through dracos mind as he stared out the window.

"Draco!" Blaise shouted clicking infront of dracos face annoyed.
"Sorry, zoned out," draco said scared.
"It's alr but we need to know, what do u want to do?" Blaise asked him.
"Stay here go to lessons. If he's going to come may as well be in a class full of kids with a teacher may intimidate him but nothing really does but u never really know witch my father," draco said numbly.

That settled it.

Later at dinner draco sat there with his face in his arms as he lay on the table in the grand hall.
He just wanted to be asleep in his bed but he was stuck here.
He just wanted to die.
"I'm tired," he said.
"Do u want to come with u?" Pansy asked him.
"No, u guys stay and eat, I'll be fine," draco said.
He stood up and walked out but caught Harry's attention.

"Guys, I'm going to bed," Harry said to Ron and Hermione.
"K" Ron said.
Harry left the room and followed draco down the corridors carefully.
"Where is he going?" Harry whispered to himself.
After several quiet moments of walking and sneaking for Harry, the two ended at the top of the astronomy tower.
Draco rested his arms on the metal barrier.
He hung his head and began sobbing, "Why? WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME?!" Draco shouted as he bashed his hand on the rail.
He sighed heavily and began kicking it.
He was so angry, he kept hitting and hitting, while Harry was in the corner while watching Draco abuse the barrier.
Draco turned around and put his body wait on the barrier and put his hands in his face, looking upset.

Suddenly, the barrier shifted and broke free. It went flying down the astronomy tower, and draco began falling as well.
Draco prepared himself for the impact, but it never came. He opened his eyes and saw POTTER?
Potter was holding his arm.
"Hold on!" Harry shouted.
"What do u think I'm doing? Dancing with a monkey?" Draco sarcastically remarked.
Harry grunted and pulled draco up and collapsed on the top of the astronomy tower, breathing heavily.
"Why'd u do that?" Draco said confused, "why were u here?"
"I-I followed u out the great hall to here." Harry said ashamed.
"Right. Still doesn't explain why u did that tho," draco said.
"Well, it's common decency to help someone in need of it." Harry started, "and u want to apologise for everything I didn't know u went through that."
"Apology accepted," he said breathless.

The two sat there staring at the sky with their legs dangling from the side.
Draco had a lump in his throat. He had secretly had a crush on Harry for quite a while but didn't accept it. He didn't think he could date Harry.

Whereas Harry had butterflies growing in his stomach, Harry had had a crush on Draco for a while himself.

But neither of each of them knew the others secret.

After several long moments, Draco said, "stars are beautiful aren't they?"
"Yes, truly" Harry said, but in his mind he thought 'like ur eyes'.
Harry looked at Draco to find Draco looking at him, they looked at each other's lips, as butterflies rose in their stomachs.
"I-I" Harry said.
"What is it? Take ur time," Draco whispered softly.
But Harry didn't know how to put his feelings into words or sentences. Instead he took a massive risk.
He leaned towards Draco as dracos Breath tickled his neck.
Both of their hearts beat rapidly in sync together.
Harry then smashed his Lips into dracos. Draco immediately reacted and kissed into Harry as he smiled into the kiss. He was lost for words. He was happier then ever. He was kissing Harry Potter.
His heart beat less as he relaxed into Harry.
After they broke apart, the two boys stared at each other.
Then they smiled and laughed.
"Omg, I've been wanting to do that forever," draco enthusiased.
"Me too," Harry said.
He knelt back into Draco and they both made out for another good 20 minutes.
They were both on top of the world.

"So," draco started nervous, "does this mean we're boyfriends now?" Draco asked.
"I mean do u want to be?" Harry asked.
"W-Well yes Obvies but if u don't I don't mind not to be because it's all sudden yk," draco said scared.
Harry laughed, "Ofc I want to be ur boyfriend.


"OMG I CANT BELIEVE I DID THAT. I KISSED DRACO, DRACO MALFOY!! AND WERE NOW BOYFRIENDS!!" Harry thought as he smiled at his now boyfriend.

"So.. do u want to tell people abt us?" Draco asked.
"I mean sure if u want, but idk cus some people aren't used to gays and may be homophobic," Harry said.
"Well we can tell Pansy and Blaise they're fine with gays. I've been out to them since i started crushing on u. Pansys a lesbian and Blaise is bisexual," draco explained.
Harry laughed at that.
"So how long have u had a crush on me?" Harry asked.
"Since yr 3" Draco said nervously, "u?"
"Since yr 4 I think, I don't really know tbh," Harry said.

Omg omg omg.
Gay drama.
Please tell me u like this if u do. Any votes, comments or things u want to see are deeply appreciated thx.

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