Chapter 40

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Hey guys sorry for not updating in a while been really busy and chaotic here!
I'll try update more soz

After a while, Harry, Ron, Hermione and the rest of the Weasley kids had been alerted at Hogwarts of the situation. They soon met Sirius, Remus, Molly, Arthur, Narcissa and Dumbledore at 12 grimmauld place.
They then all floo-powdered to St. Mungos.
Once everyone was there they all head to the instant care ward; finding Draco and Severus in a corner.
Draco was sleeping, hooked up to an IV drip, severus at his side, pinching his nose, stress evidently on his face.
He was so worried for his godson and his safety.

Narcissa placed a hand on Severus' shoulder calmly, "oh god!" She exclaimed quietly, placing her hand on her mouth. All life leaving her at the sight of her son.
"Will he be okay?" She asked, trying to recollect herself, as tears swam in her eyes.
Severus shared a solemn look with Narcissa, "he's stable" he said after a brief pause. He continued, "the nurses say he should be okay physically, but psychologically..." he trailed off. "We don't know" he said a moment later.

Narcissa let out a worried gasp as she fell onto her knees, sobbing, she felt like the whole world was gone. Severus held her tightly as she broke in his arms.

"Kids, let's give them some space" said Molly as she ushered the kids away.
Sirius pulled an arm out to stop Harry, "stay Harry, Draco trusts you, we need you" he said comfortingly. Harry nodded, understanding. Remus soon came back with four chairs as they surrounded Draco.

After about 30 minutes, Draco began to stir. He was tossing his head around, side to side, thrashing his body around.
"Draco?" Harry asked anxiously.
"W-What's happening?" Narcissa asked desperately, her heart felt like it was breaking as tears threatened to spill.
"I think he's having a nightmare" Remus said glancing at sirius slightly.
Severus nodded.
Narcissa shook her son's body frantically, frightened for her life.

Suddenly, Draco shot up scared for his life, screaming. Harry grabbed Draco reassuringly as Draco curled into the hug.
"Do you want a hug?" Harry asked him calmly.  Draco nodded slightly as Harry sat on Draco's bed, lying down next to Draco as they cuddled into each other.

Soon Draco calmed down after a few moments.
"Love are you alright?" Harry asked.
Draco blushed deeply at the nickname, "love huh?" He said grinning. Harry chuckled softly.
"I don't really know" Draco said as he buried his face in the brunettes arm.

"Draco, please tell us. We want to help you" Severus said comfortingly. Draco pulled his head up, tear streaks on his face.
"What did they do?" Remus asked softly.
"I was getting ready for bed, and I felt an odd feeling like something bad was gonna happen you know? Then- someone covered me in something. I fell down and swore I could feel wet grass. I'm guessing we apparated. Then they hit me on the head with something and I later woke up in the manor." he said not keeping eye contact.
Harry gave him a hug as a way to show he was there for him.

"I realised I was in the manors dungeons. I was chained up- and then- I saw Voldemort" he said breaking off crying.
The others shared worried looks.
"They used the cruciatus curse on me and cut words into my body." He says as he pulls off his top and turns around so they could see his bare back, littered with scars and words his evil aunt had left on him.

They all were repulsed from the sight as their gazes softened at the sight of his trauma and pain. He pulled his top back on and faced them again.
"Then," he started but was cut off as emotions overcame him again. He sobbed into Harry.
"What happened draco?" Severus asked.
"Fenrir" Draco said as Remus flinched a little at the name. The same vicious creature who had made him into what he was had hurt draco.
"H-he raped me" Draco whispered as he started sobbing harder now. Everyone shared worried looks between each other.
"They kept on cursing me and hitting me, you know" he said as he continued on.
"They left me like that for a while. My 'dad'" he said using speech quotes round his dad to show he wasn't really his dad anymore. "He made me pleasure him" he said as he looked down. "Then made me drink something weird  and disgusting. They kept hitting me and- you pretty much know the rest" he said.

Harry hugged him even harder now, not wanting to ever let go of him again, afraid to lose him.
Suddenly Dumbledore entered in his strange way as usual.
"Thank you draco, for sharing that with us. It's very brave of you to speak up. We will discuss this and come up with a plan of action" he said quietly as he winked reassuringly.
"Anyway, best be off see you all soon!" He said as he left.

Draco shrugged off Harry as he fell on the bed burying himself in the covers.
"Can you please leave me alone?" He cried out to the others.
He wanted to kill himself.

He no longer wanted to be here. He wanted it to all be over. He lost his spark.

"Uhh- Harry look after Draco for a minutes alright? We're going to have a chat" Remus said as he stood up grabbing sirius. Severus and Narcissa followed after them.

They stepped out of view of the boys.
"How should we help him?" Remus asked the others.
"Well, I can keep an eye on him at school. Help him with work and offer support" severus offered, clearly concerned for his godson.
The others nodded agreeing.

"Maybe he should get a therapist?" Sirius asked. "I wasn't a fan of it because I was raised to suck it up but Draco may find it useful to speak to someone who doesn't have anything against him. Someone who won't be affected" he suggested.
Narcissa nodded agreeing.
"Yes I think that would help." She looked lost in thought.

"Cissa?" Severus asked.
"I can't believe he could do such a thing to him" she said as she looked away tears in her eyes. "His own son!"

Severus hugged her as she broke down again as she leaned into him.

HEY GUYS! I'm so so so so sorry for not updating. Tysm for all the support.
I've been really stressed with mocks and me being in the school play.
Hopefully I'll update more
Love you all so much

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