Chapter 20

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That's when they saw...

He stood, proud, grinning like a maniac, "Narcissa darling, why did you run away from me? You know I love you!" He said as if he was drunk but was more of a psycho.
"I said 'stay away from me!'" Narcissa cried frightened from his evilness and cowered behind severus.
"SEVERUS!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Lucius questioned angrily get madder and madder. He shot out a blue curse which Remus quickly deflected away.
Lucius kept sending curse after curse after them, but they were better, stronger and smarter then him.
Narcissa shouted 'petrificus totalus' and he collapsed frozen in place.
"Your A TWAT! YOU HEAR ME?! How can you even call yourself a father or a husband?!" Narcissa screamed as she broke his nose with her foot and marched back to severus and remus and they disapperated back to grimmauld place.
"Omg! Thank you! Thank you! - she said hugging them both gratefully - "wait- but, how? How did you know I needed help?" Narcissa asked curiously.
"About that its uh- Draco..." Severus said nervously, "he uh had a problem and we don't know what fully happened but he said apparently 'mother, tell mother.'"
Narcissa gasped in shock and horror. "Well?! What do we do?!" Narcissa exclaimed nervously.
"Let's go to him," severus said stepping in the fireplace nad floopowdering into his room. Soon after Narcissa and Remus came along. They all quickly marched to the infirmary where draco layed on a bed; pansy and Blaise next to him; profesor mcgonnagoll and dumbledore at the foot of his bed.
„Omg! Will he be ok? What happened!?" Narcissa shouted.
„Calm yourself Narcissa," dumbledore said calmly. „He will be alright, when he wakes we will know what happened." 
Everyone sat around Draco scared and growing more and more scared and impatient. After what felt like 10 years, Draco woke up hazily.
„Mum?" Draco called out weakly.
„Darling, oh darling, Im here. Your ok now." Narcissa said gently and reassuringly as she hugged her son.
„Mum... he-he did it again, it was father." Draco said hugging Narcissa and bursting into tears.
„Its ok now darling, Im here now," she whispered still hugging him and gave him a kiss on his forehead.
Now it was confirmed that it was lucius.
But... what happened?"

Hi guys. Hope that your all ok! I want to say a huge  thank you to every single one of you. It makes me so happy!
Anyway was wondering are you guys enjoying the story? I dont even know whats  happening next chapter so mamy be a while doing that.
Im on holiday rn! How are you all this break?
Peaxe  😊
Also sorry this chapter is short ran up of ideas.

I don't want to be a Malfoy anymore (drarry fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now