Chapter 12

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Hey guys sorry for not posting I have been really busy and I do have a life. But if your reading this then thanks and I want to thank you all for all the votes and views I really love u all 🥰. I would also wondering if you guys wanted another book like this with Wolfstar and Sirius being abused??? Le tmr know in e comments if you would read thanks
Anyway I think that's it so I'll let u read the story now

Draco's POV
It had been a while now I was sat at my desk, not doing much really just doodling and wearing one of my oversized hoodie Blaise had secretly given to me. It was the only piece of clothing that I loved. But I suddenly heard a faint clatter of voices from below. It was no getting louder and louder, so loud that I could now hear and understand what was being spoken. I could hear father shouting downstairs at mother, "OUR SON IS A FAILURE! HE IS PATHETIC AND WORTHLESS!" He shouted throwing something as a glass suddenly shattered making everything go into an awful, dreadful silence.
Even though I was scared, I shakily stood up and looked over the stairs railing, and could see two figures, father with his wand pointed out at mother like she was a piece of shit. Suddenly the silence ended as I could hear mother screaming in agony.
'This is not the man that I once married' narcissa thought to herself while falling and crumbling into herself while writhing in pain.

I couldn't watch anymore, I stood back shakily with a hand over my mouth to muffle the cries that wracked my lips. I silently slipped back into my room without making a sound, and crumbled onto my bed tearing up. I could still hear the cries and yells of mother from down below. I knew this meant one thing, father was very angry and would not be very happy at all. But one thing kept repeating in my mind: "what will he do to me?"
He usually never hurts mother, so he must be mad. That meant I was going to be in real trouble now.

(Fast forward an hour cus I'm lazy)

It had been about an hour now and you could no longer hear any of mothers cries. I wondered when we would have dinner I was starting to get hungry as I had nothing to eat on the train.
I clambered down the stairs and saw father sat down on the leather armchair with his cane stood proudly in his hand ready to kill someone. There was a house elf in front of him that looked like he had been through the wars. The house elf had a cut lip and a big bruise under his eye with blood dripping from the forehead. Net to them was mother sat on the posh black sofa looking petrified and ghost-like as she had turned pale. I looked from mother back to father, and he had his face pointed towards me clutching onto his cane harder and with a vicious penetrating look that could kill. "Ahh hello Draco, come to join us have we?" He whispered mysteriously and with an evil grin plastered on his face. "I was wondering when you would come. Now go with your mother and the house elf and go cook diner." He said with a slight menacing cackle at the end as he lied back further onto the armchair looking as if he had killed a kingdom. I nodded my head and turned to the kitchen with mother behind me and the house elf trying to get in front.

Once in the kitchen and we were sure father wouldn't be able to hear us, mother began crying with wracking sobs escaping her lips. I went over to her and cuddle her and rubbed her back soothingly. "Thanks Draco" she whispered quietly because she had cried so much. We got cracking in with the dinner and knew that father liked a very posh dinner and served steak with vegetables. Once all was laid down on the table we waited for father to sit and after he sat we followed suit and began to eat.

Once we had finished dinner I went up to my room and sat down on my desk and quickly wrote 2 letters to my friends Pansy and Blaise, I would do Theo's later. Once I had finished I let my brawny owl out of its cage and gave it the two letters and soon it was flying out of the window into the night sky. I sighed picking up my diary and documenting what had happened today. Midway through though, I heard father shouting. "Draco!" He shouted in a loud booming voice. I quickly scurried downstairs as I didn't want to have a harsh punishment but little did I know it was far beyond that point.

When downstairs, I saw father with a knife in one hand, clutching onto it and a belt in the other with a venomous glint in his eye.
"Before, I don't think I have you such a harsh punishment.." he said with a menacing look on his face, as i gulped in fear. He walked over to me and shoved me against the wall, trapping me. I froze, panicked and shocked. He took the knife and stabbed me multiple times, making me bleed, falling to the ground tears almost spilling. Tears were now falling out of my eyes, in pure agony. It was hurting really badly now. "Your nothing and will always be nothing, your just an ugly boy" he spat in my face.
But it wasn't over, not yet.

He grabbed the belt and hit me multiple times on my back making me cry even harder, if that was even possible. "Come on Draco, stay awake, don't pass out, or the punishment will be worse" I thought in my head. I fought so hard to stay awake but I was very close to unconscious, and my eyes began to droop.
I then felt a sharp blade cut through my skin all over my body, over and over again. I had felt this before, it was the cruciatus curse. One of the 3 deadly curses. Father had stopped using the belt, and was using magic.
I just prayed that this would all end soon. The pain was all too much and I felt absolutely terrible.
I just wanted to die at this point.
What point was there to life anymore?
What was worth living for?
But then, I remembered mother's words. Her words of encouragement, dedication and kindness. I remember her soft gentle voice telling me that it was going to be okay, that she would do something.
But I felt like giving up still, but, something knew I shouldn't. I remember her telling me to keep fighting, to not give up.
I knew I needed to stay awake now.
I was fighting for my life, while in agony throughout my entire body and a seething pain in my forehead from the bright light in the room.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter guys. Love you all.
:)) ~ <3
Have a great day/morning/evening/night x

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