Chapter 35

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This was the end of Draco.....

Upstairs, Harry had woken up hazily and very tired. He stumbled to where he thought Draco was, but was shocked when he couldn't find him. In a panic of frenzy, he rushed around room to room, not finding him. He ran downstairs at the speed of lightning, checking the living area, the drawing room. Nothing.

Suddenly, he noticed that the kitchen door was ajar slightly with a dim light peeking through. He gingerly opened the door, to see a candle coming to its end as it burnt faintly, with a chair pushed away from the table. He glanced up, nervous.
He saw dracos body limp hanging in the air dangling.
Harry's body went stiff as he felt a shiver run down his spine eerily. His heart sank down to the floor.

He let out a blood curdling scream which woke up everyone quickly.
With tears streaming down his face he lept on the table trying to untie the knot. Dozens of feet were heard running down the stairs and in to the kitchen where they saw the dreadful scene of Harry trying to untie the knot while dracos cold body weither around. Narcissa crumbled to the ground at the sight. Sirius ans Remus quickly helped Harry untie the knot and grabbed Draco, placing him on the table.
Remus put his ear next to his mouth to check his breathing.
He checked his pulse.

They quickly started doing compressions on him as Molly took the kids outside the room and Arthur Floo-powdered to St. Mungos.
The nurses all came back with him to 12 grimmauld place.
They quickly took him to St. mungos.

Harry was on the floor in a mess with his hair tangled, tears Streaming down his face.
He thought over and over, praying that Draco would be okay. But he had a gut feeling telling him differently.

Sorry this is so short guys.
I've been struggling a lot lately.
One of my friends killed herself so it's been hard and I'm still grieving.
Hope u all understand x

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