Chapter 7: why does he hate me?

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The next morning Draco didn't want to be alone, so be helped his godfather in his class, the first lesson of the day was with Draco's class, so he could at least chat to his friends. Which put a smile on his face.

Severus POV:
Draco came with me to my class for today, I understand though, he would be scared as hell for what had happened yesterday.
He had a smile on his face though.
At least he was happy.

For now.

Draco's POV:
I was in Severus' class and they were making, Felix Felicis potion. All the girls loved it.

My job was to note on what everyone's potions looked like and what they were using. I would wash the cauldrons afterwards. When I could go back to lessons I would do the Felix Felicis  but I didn't know who with yet.

At the start of the class, you could tell the students were confused. They kept on staring but anyone probably would. If a student was teaching with a professor it probably looked weird.

But, when we were in the middle of class, an owl was knocking and banging on the window.
Snape asked me to get it so I let the owl in, and it dropped the letter on Snape's desk and flew back out again.

I went to go look at the letter, and saw my name on it, I could notice that handwriting from anywhere, it was fathers.

I couldn't just leave it there. So I opened it, quickly tearing the parchment sealed together with the 'M' Malfoy stamp. I was nervous, I could break down right now, I was sweating, sweet dripping down my forehead. I felt like all eyes were on me, staring at me. My palms were all clammy and my hands were shaking.

Dear Draco,
After what happened yesterday you would think that I was terrible. But that's not half of what's get to come. You can't do anything good with your life, at all.
You are weak. You are stupid. You are crap. You are useless. You are worthless. You are nothing.

So get your stuff together, because sooner or later you are going to have to kill Dumbledore, if you like it or not. And if you don't then there will be consequences, consequences worse than your dreams.
The way you have been acting is terrible.
And, if I hear you talking about what has happened between you and me, when the holidays come, you will be a dead man.

Draco didn't do anything, he just froze. But then the realisation hit, the pain. He gulped.
He then dropped the letter, and collapsed, tears flowing down his face, he was now crying and sobbing uncontrollably. He didn't know what to do.

When Severus noticed Draco on the floor crying, he rushed over to him immediately and hugged him comforting him, while Draco was sobbing into his shoulder shaking.

People we're now staring. They were all thinking, 'what on earth is going on?' A professor was hugging a student, a student!

Draco didn't know what to do. He felt his whole world crumbling around him. Not even his family loved him, except from Severus and Narcissa.
Draco and Narcissa were closer than anyone would think. Neither could live without the other.

Draco couldn't cope anymore he began having a panic attack.  Normally, the golden trio would laugh at the boy, but they thought if they did something bad would happen.
Draco was looking around frantically, he couldn't breathe. He was trying to catch his breath but couldn't. He crawled to a corner in the classroom and covering his ears while keeping his eyes firmly shut.

When he regained his breath he just stayed in the corner, he didn't want to move, he was ashamed and embarrassed.

When class had finished, Snape walked over to Draco and knelt down to his level, "are you better now?" He asked calmly.
Draco didn't speak he just slightly nodded his head up and down. Snape stood up and held out a hand for Draco, he took it reluctantly, then wiped down his now dusty robes.

Once up, Draco asked Snape, "why does he hate me so much? I just want to feel loved and appreciated from him." He cried into his godfathers shoulder making his robes soaked in tears.
Thanks for all the love so far guys I really appreciate it.
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Thanks all x

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