Chapter 27

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Harry sat with his friends, not knowing what to say or think or do. He was abt to kiss Draco, his father almost killed him and Draco just went on.
"This family is weirder and crazier than mine istg" Harry thought.
They would soon get a long weekend off for spring break. Harry was glad he wouldn't go back to the Dursley's.
He was going to Sirius'
He smiled at the thought.
"Hey mate" Ron said to him.
"Yeah" Harry mumbled as he was interrupted in his thoughts.
"Are u going to mine and then sirius'?" Ron asked
"Sure I don't mind" Harry said but then realised Draco was going to be there and may get some private time with him. 😏 (this is cringe if ur one of my friends, pretend u never saw this)

"Actually, is it alright if I go to Sirius' and u meet me there?" Harry asked.
"Sure mate, it's alr" ron said calmly.

Later after the feast, Harry went to the slytherin common room and met Draco outside.
"Draco," Harry whispered behind him, Harry was wearing the invisibility cloak incase.
"Jeez u scared me, come on" Draco whispered ushing him to the door. They entered and Harry and Draco were going up the stairs to dracos room. Suddenly, Draco bumped into Blaise.
"Shit sorry, oh Blaise hi" draco enthusiastically said.
"Hi dray, u seen Pansy?" He asked.
"Saw her leave the common room 10-15 mins ago," he explained.
Blaise went along and the two boys made there way to dracos room.
"Finally, I can get that off of me," Harry said as he pushed the cloak off of him.
But for some odd reason crabbe and goyle were here.
"Is that normal?" Harry asked himself.
"What are u doing here" draco asked petrified.
"Umm more like why is potter here?!" Goyle shouted. They lunged forward and tackled Harry, even though they were stupid, they were very heavy and Harry couldn't get free.
Draco tried to prise their hands off, but nothing worked.
Harry grasped at his wand and shot an "incendio!" At them. They flew off of him with ease.
They thought they would be ok but they weren't. Crabbe tied them both up quickly.
"Get off of-" but goyle hit him hard on the head.
Unfortunately, even though Draco pleaded with them they didn't stop and Harry wasn't waking up.
Draco wanted to die.

"Lucius has told everyone how u and potter are two gay fags. If ur so gay u should like this" goyle whispered as he yanked his trousers off as well as dracos.
Draco couldn't do this.
He tried desperately to get goyle off of him but nothing worked. Goyle shoved himself into him while crabbe carved on his arms 'faggot' and 'gay slut' on his arms and torso.
Draco whimpered in pain as he let out sobs of fear and anguish as tears trickled down his porcelain face.

After a painful 47 mins and 29 seconds as Draco had counted on the clock, it all stopped. The pains in his lower half and the carving.
They were getting up and dressed and stole dracos jewellery and prized possessions.

Crabbe noticed a bunch of bottles of pills and showed goyle. They made Draco swallow every single last one with bitter whiskey that Draco had been given yonks ago.
He could barely keep consciousness.
"That should treat u to be a fag"they whispered.
After 10 Harry woke up hazily. He noticed tear stains on draco, and his head lolled down. His clothes were torn off and empty bottles of pills layer on the floor. Suddenly Harry realised everything.
He quickly yanked the ropes off of him with struggle.
He pulled himself up and grabbed draco.
Luckily he was light and he carried him out like a princess. He came down to a common room of slytherins.
"What the-
"Why is he here?"
People murmured.
"Draco!" Pansy screamed.
Suddenly everyone noticed the skinny, blonde boy in his arms.
"Omfg what happened!?" Blaise shouted bewildered.
"I'll tell u late but we need to get him to the infirmary."
They ran for their lives, until they were stopped by mcgonnogall.
"Why are we running people?" She asked calmly.
She suddenly noticed Harry and Draco.
"I-Is that Draco?" She asked frightened.
"Yes professor" Harry quickly said as he continued to run, his heart pounding in his chest, as if it was about to be shattered, his legs weak and his body tired he was about to pass out, he could feel it but he had to keep going.

Hey guys it's me!
Hope u are all well.
Thank u for all the votes, readers and comments u all make me so happy. Thank u.
Just wanted to let u know my birthday is next week so probs won't update in a while but love u loads.

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