Chapter 21

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It was lucius but what had happened?
They all pondered the same question as they sat next to dracos bed with draco sleeping and snoring contently.
Later on when Draco was awake, everyone hugged Draco and he had a huge pile of presents for him.
"Draco dear, what happened?" Narcissa asked calmly.
"Well it all started when I went to the toilet. I was having a panic attack so I ran away to a toilet. I had finally calmed it down when- when I-I" Draco stopped catching his breath holding in the tears, "when I saw father in the mirror I turned around but he cut my face and blinded me. He used the cruciatus curse on me and began cutting my face.." he finished off as he cried into his mothers shoulder and cries wracked his throat.
"Oh dear, I'm here don't worry," Narcissa said rubbing his arm comforting him as she looked at the 4 adults and they all stood shocked and scared.

After a while Madame pomfrey let Draco go saying he needed to rest at home so Narcissa went back with draco.
"Hello Narcissa hello draco" sirius said as he was sat in the living room writing with a bored look on his face.
"Hi" they both said politely and they sat down next to him.
"I'm going to make some tea and a bite to eat do either of you want anything?" Narcissa asked the both.
"Yes tea please" sirius said not taking his eyes of his paper.
"Some water and some biscuits please mother," draco said politely as he took out some school books and began reading.
Narcissa went to the kitchen as Draco got comfortable.
Everything was peaceful and calm and finally draco felt at peace and content for once.
Then suddenly a scream came from Narcissa in the kitchen. They both shot up and sirius said, "stay here draco I'll have a look and you can hide in the cupboard over there in case."
"Okay," draco said trying to stay calm as he nodded his head and quietly hid in the cupboard.

Sirius quietly crept along the hallway to the kitchen to see Narcissa with her wand out pointed at Lucius and the biscuit tin on the floor.
"Sirius," Lucius said in a cruel way, "what are you doing here?" He said like a maniac.
"Could ask you the same thing, as this is my house," sirius said as he sent a spell at him.
"How dare you!" He whisper shouted as they shot spells at each other.
Narcissa let out a "reducto!" And he disappeared quickly and Narcissa broke the stove.
"Shit!" She shouted.
"Hey hey it's alright I'll fix it, you go get Draco hes hiding in the cupboard." Sirius reassured her.
"Okay," she said still shaking slightly.
She crept back down the hallway quickly and ducked in the cupboard seeing Draco on the ground his knees curled into him as he rocked back and forward frightened. 
"Draco?" Narcissa asked patting the boys knee.
"Mum!" He shouted as he wrapped his arms around her. "Oh mum are you alright?" He asked.
"I'm alright now come on out," she said.
"Okay," so they both got out and found Sirius in the kitchen with a now fixed stove.
"Want to play a game?" Sirius said.
"Yes!" They both said enthusiastically and they all began playing happily forgetting of all their worries.

I don't want to be a Malfoy anymore (drarry fanfic) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ