chapter 2

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Editor: C_H_I_N_K_U

Loiyorel, who was now Itony, lay in bed sleeping carelessly. Unbeknownst to him, someone had just come into his room who was not the maid.

"He's sleeping so peacefully. It would be bad to wake him up." A voice said in a hush.

The little boy nodded and went around on the other side to get a closer look at Itony. Suddenly the sleeping Itony attacked him.

"Give me chicken!"

The little boy was startled when Itony had unexpectedly risen out of bed to bit him on the cheek and started to chew

"Hmm... delicious juicy soft."

The little boy assumed that Itony remembered his days before coming to this mansion. Tears began to flow down his eyes. He put his arms around him and hugged him.

"There, there, brother, you are not in the bad place anymore." He patted his back.

Loiyorel's nice and sweet dream of having a wonderful meal was suddenly disturbed by the taste of saltwater. He slowly opened his eyes. His eyes met an adorable pair of red orbs. A Chill ran down his spine as he saw that he was sucking on the cheeks of this kid.

"Brother, you are awake."

Loiyorel did not move an inch as he froze in disgust. The little boy smiled purely.

"You are awake. Can we play with you now?"

Loiyorel closed his eyes, not wanting to face reality, which was this kid.

"Come on! Come play with me!"

The little person dragged Loiyorel out of bed which annoyed him greatly. As an attempt to refuse, he put all his strength in his teeth.


The little boy let off Loiyorel, making him land flat on his face. He held his cheek in pain and glared at Loiyorel.

"That's not very nice, brother!" He yelled.

Loiyorel kneeled up, holding his nose. There was a big red mark surrounding his mouth, nose and forehead. It stung. Loiyorel's eyes filled with water as he was about to cry.

Sally walked in to see Elias's red cheek and Loiyorel's red nose.

"Young master Elias, did you disturb young master loiyorel?" Sally asked strictly.

"I just wanted to play..." He said with head down.

"I remember firmly informing you the young master Itony was feeling a bit unwell today." She scolded him strictly.

"Yes but-"

"Now you have disturbed master's sleep."

Sally was worried for Itony as he looked a bit under the weather. It would be unwise for them to interact if Itony had any disease. Itony got up after sucking up the pain.

"I'm sorry." Elias apologized.

"I'm not the one you should be saying sorry to."

Elias turned to Itony and blurted his apology with a red swollen face.

"I'm sorry, brother. Please forgive me."

Itony looked at him with eyes like a dead fish.

'What's there to apologize about, you just wanted to play.'

"A-as a sign of apology, I will heal your wounds."

"Wounds, what wounds?"

Elias held his face. Sally smiled, and Elias's hands started to glow Loiyorel eyes widened in terror.

In the novel, Elias has immense uncontrollable mana. So when he was young, whenever he tried to use magic on something, it exploded.

'Oh fuck.'

He closes his eyes, waiting for the impact. After a while of waiting-

'Oi! Ain't this magic a little slow? Talk about bad reception service.'

Loiyorel waited, expecting his body to go kaboom any second but, all he felt was blood running down his nose.

'That's it.'

This was the worst disappointment ever. If this had to be a performance, Loiyrel would already be hitting Elias with a stick and booing him.

Loiyorel could feel a headache coming up from the blow. He looked at Sally, who had a terrible expression on her face.

"Master Itony."

Itony wiped his nose, trying to stop the bleeding. A light headache was forming.

"Sally, I need something to wipe my nose."

He looked at Elias, who looked terrified. The headache was growing. He clenched his head and yelled out.

"My head hurts really bad."

Sally ran to get the doctor as Loiyorel collapsed on the floor.

 I became a side villain but I don't mind a bad ending [Bl] (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now