chapter 26

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After that day Itony barely saw them and week later.

"A guitar?" Itony said puzzled

"Yes young master Ezekiel saw that you were rather intrigued by and gave you it he said he'll be here in the next 2 days to teach" Sally said politely

He observed the guitar and can't help but smiled.

"So Sally what's lord Faulkmoore like?" He asked

"Much like you young master his a particular child, I think you two will get along well"

"Okay let me practice now" Itony said

"I shall fetch lunch I'll back soon"

She gave him a soft kiss on the cheek as she lives, Itony pouts he wasn't a child that needs mommy's kisses he was 27-8 as matter of fact.

Itony fixes the strings then breathe and started to strumming at first it took a while to get use then he started to play as if he had never stop.

"Loiyorel loiyorel wake up are I will kiss you awake"

I open my eyes seeing my friend

"Hah like I'd ever make you steal my first kiss"

"How is that you've never kissed and you have a girlfriend"

"Because i never kissed"

I got up and went back to the piano rito gave me a skeptical look.

"Are you sure you don't want to make love to the piano" I blink twice at his ridiculousness

"Jealous much" I said

"You have no idea" he said undertone

Life was hard for me in my life people often died but I thought rito would stay, I wanted him to stay

"Dad please don't leave me" I beg holding his hands

It was a shoot out and he got caught in the cross fire, right now he was barely clinging on to life

"Lorrie please take care of yourself"

Those where the last words of my father.

In life I was always accustom to grief my mother now my with each day passes death drew near and honestly I'm scared.

"Loiyorel why can't we do it you don't kiss me you've barely touch am I not attribute?" She yelled

"I'm not in the mood Tsubaki I want to be alone"

"Alone alone with who Rihito right tell me are you cheating on me are you in-"

"SHUT THE HELL UP FOR ONCE WOULD YOU" I yelled at the top of my lungs "Rihito that Rihito this if your interested him then why you date him just leave me the fuck alone!" I yelled

That day I hated her I quit all I wanted was to be left alone and Tsubaki didn't make any better.

I know I said some things I didn't mean


"Don't touch leave me alone I don't want you to touch me no one touch I'm a plague you'll die just like all of them you'll leave,"

"Loiyorel I'm friend"

"No your not your just a passerby something that use to pass the time"

I didn't mean it.

"How can I ever be friends with a useless and pathetic existence as you"

I don't want to hurt you,

"I beggar who was just so desperate for my attention it's so disgusting.

So please leave me alone,

"Lowlife orphan"

Don't leave stay I want you to stay.

"If that's how you feel loiyorel then tonight will be our last performance"

But in order for you to stay you must go.

Within that month I had to attend two funerals and it was at that funeral I last played the key.

As I watched my friend's burial all I could do was give him a parting

"If I should die I want tsubaki at my grave"

"You do know she's my girlfriend right"

"Not that Tsubaki fine then red Camellia at my graves happy"

"Very much"

Why do people leave me and why must I bare a painful parting everytime.

"Young master loiyorel I believe you should read this I want you to know Rihito really liked you"

"I know"

"No I mean he really liked you"

I looked at the orphanage lady as she tipped her then handed me his journal, I didn't enjoy prying into people's business but I needed to know what type of person I was to him.

 I became a side villain but I don't mind a bad ending [Bl] (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now