chapter 13

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Editor: C_H_I_N_K_U

Elias felt like dust in the wind. Never had he thought this reunion with his brother would be like this. But, what could the poor soul do when his brother was angry?

Itony glanced at the next person that came into his sight. It was a pretty girly looking boy, he too was even taller than him, and he looked so friggin fragile.

(A/N: Pot meets kettle!)

But, when he remembered this character, his skin left his body. This person was none other than MC's loyal lackey, who would grow to be the most dangerous magician to ever exist in time! He was formerly an assassin. After being picked up by Herman, he was now a loyal dog that served the mad Duke's son. This same person was going to become the strongest magician!

When Yvette saw the small-cute boy staring intensely at him, he curtsied.

"It's an honour to meet the young master Itony. I am Sorren Yvette, the young master Elias' attendant. It's a pleasure to meet you."

The air got filled with elegance and nobility, and it was as if the time slowed down, just to be-

"What's with exaggerating greetings. Can't you just say, 'Hey, I'm Sorren!'"

Yvette felt something crack inside of him. He stood up straight and looked at the boy who was now looking at the flower crown,

"Young mast-"

"Don't call me that you are not that much other than me; you are a kid as well."

Elias, who overcame his shock, burst into laughter.

"Master Elias, it's unsightly to laugh in such a vulgar manner," Yvette turned to Elias coldly.

Itony said nothing and watched the two bicker. He then turned to the tree and touched it, then let go.

"So, what shall we play today?" Itony grinned widely.

The two other 'gentlemen' looked at him.

"Why not swords? It would be perfect for improv-"

"Are you crazy?" Elias ran and hugged Itony protectively, "He could get hurt! Do you want to kill him?" he glared at Yvette.

"I'm not a flower! I can handle myself," Itony tried to push Elias off.

The keyword 'tried' but Elias was like glue stuck to his skin. Yvette cleared his throat

"Since the master doesn't want to do sword play, why don't we practice on our musical skills so that your teacher will feel a little better," Yvette smiled sinisterly.

"You can play?" Itony asked with sparkling eyes that seemed very interested.

Elias glared at Yvette.

"Yes, the master's skill is very outstanding!"

Yvette seemed very serious. This was not mentioned in the novel, so Itony wanted to hear him play. After all, when he was a teenager, he used to do orchestra with his club.

 Loiyorel was a prodigy from a wealthy family. After all, he was a bastard of a famous family, the one he loved liked music and was very talented with instruments. When he played the piano, it led everyone to tears. People came from far and wide to hear him play. But after an incident, he was never able to look or touch another piano again.

"Can you play, please?" Itony smiled at him.

A sweat formed on Elias' cheek as he could feel Yvette's enjoyment despite having a stoic expression. He sighed reluctantly.


Elias held a violin in his hand. It was a good thing they built a music room here for Itony, who sat in anticipation as he watched Elias.

Elias let out a nervous breath then started to play,


He just started, and he had already made a mistake.


And another.



At this point, Itony was very disappointed the dark aura surrounded Itony. His mood was becoming foul. Sally shook her head in shame. She had wanted Elias to stop, but when she saw Itony's excitement, she was happy seeing him bright and energetic. It made her anticipate and want to listen as well, but now looking at him whose expression said-

'Please let me swear at him this once,'

She could relate to him. She also wants the young master Elias to stop, but how could she make the young master stop?.

 I became a side villain but I don't mind a bad ending [Bl] (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now