chapter 5

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Editor: C_H_I_N_K_U

It's been two weeks since Loiyorel was here, and he was enjoying his time. He was outside playing with Elias because he felt bored cooped up in the mansion all day.

Suddenly, a bird fell to the ground from one of the bushy trees. Elias picked it up.

"It's injured."

Itony looked at its legs and saw it was handicapped.

"Nope, it's handicapped."

"Aw... Poor thing. I can heal it." Elias cried.

Sensing, he was going to be traumatized by his 'healing'. Itony quickly grabbed the bird away to protect it.

"No, you'll kill it! You make birds explode!" Itony yelled.

"But I haven't made any explosions recently."

Itony was speechless. Elias could say something like that so casually. Usually, kids would be either guilty or traumatized knowing they killed something, but this kid is like, 'Oh, It exploded, Too bad, maybe another one...'

"Stay away." Itony said coldly.

"But who will help the bird?"

"I can get someone else to do it."

Suddenly the bird flew out his hands, and his legs seemed alright.

"Oh, nothing seems to be wrong with birdy." Itony yelled.

The bird fluttered around him then flew off.

"Why don't we play something else?"

"I'm tired. I want to go to bed." Itony said.


Itony staggered on his knees then huffed.

"Brother?!" Elias exclaimed.

"My legs kinda hurts."

Itony clutches his chest in distress.

"Ah! It hurts!"

"Brother! Help! Brother is hurt! Someone!" Elias yelled.

Itony was on the ground and curled up in pain. The servants started to gather.

"It hurts! Make it stop!" Itony cried in pain.

They picked him up, ran to his chambers and called for the doctor.


Itony felt weird as he saw something strange. A big bird attack.

"Get away! Don't hurt me!"

Despite his struggles, it kept cawing after him. Itony pushed the servants away as they kept trying to keep him down. But when he saw the bird attacking him, he kept fighting back.

"Don't touch me! Leave me!"

Sally hugged him tightly as he fought them.

"Please, young master. Calm down! No one will hurt you!" She cradled him.

Suddenly he felt warm. When he saw Sally embracing him warmly, he hugged her tightly.

"It's gone! It's gone!" he hid his face into her bosom.

"What is?" She asked softly.


"Young master?"

She looked down to see he had already passed out from exhausting pain.

"Doctor, what is the matter? He was just fine, moments ago."

The doctor checked him once more, bewildered.

"This is maddening! Of all my years as a doctor, I've never seen a heart turn sickly so quickly." He exclaimed.

"You can't be serious. You never said anything about a fragile heart."

"That's because he didn't have it before, but now his heart has gone bad."

Sally was deeply angered. Just when she thought he had gotten better, his health failed him like this.

"What do you suggest we do?" She asked.

"I'll give you some medicine for heart disease and some pain killers."

"That's it? That's all you have? Have you forgotten where you are?" Sally threatened.

"No, I remember! I remember! But that's all we can do. This child has a strange body; all I can do is research his condition."

Sally stared at him in silent anger, but soon it was sucked away when the little boy snuggled up. She hugged him protectively.

"Do as you see fit. Anything to ease this child's pain?" she said worriedly.

The doctor nodded and glanced at the child who was sweating in the arms of his caretaker. He must have been in extreme pain to be sweating like that.

"Yes, I understand. I shall work nonstop until I find the matter with this child." He declared.

"Good. Because if you don't. We would not see the use of keeping you as a doctor." She growled. Her eyes glared menacingly at the doctor.

The doctor nodded; as a fearful sweat trickled down his cheek.

 I became a side villain but I don't mind a bad ending [Bl] (Discontinued)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt