chapter 19

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"*sigh* I think I know what's your problem is" Ezekiel said with throbbing head

It's not that the person is talentless when it came to music infact he sees hard work and determination in him, BUT the violin isn't his 'THING' so many birds where sacrifice and his ears are in pain Ezekiel wonders how sorren is fine hearing all this.

"Lord Yvette could you please give me my instruments case"

Sorren looked at him puzzle Ezekiel raised an eyebrow


Then Ezekiel realized that person wasn't hearing him and he went up close to him he too couldn't hear anything a sound barrier.

Ezekiel wanted to cuss but he held it in and went back up to the young master.

"Lord Leizarelle I think I know what's your problem" Ezekiel said with his fingers on his lips and eyes closed

Elias looked at him interested peaked Yvette felt something interesting was about to happen so he took down the barrier.

"Your fingers are strumming the right keys but the bow is contradicting it" Ezekiel declares


"To put it in simpler terms a violin is not for you"

"Hey your supposed be teaching me!" Elias yelled

"I have been teaching you but you are awful you cannot play too many birds have been sacrificed" Ezekiel declares.

Elias was pissed

"Hey you will teach me I want to impress my brother with my talented violin skills" Elias grabbed Ezekiel's callor

"Oh please are you trying to run him mad your awful!" Ezekiel yelled angrily

"Y-you do you have any Idea how hard I'm working"

"And even if you work a hundred times harder your just not cut out for playing the violin" Ezekiel said.

Elias pushed him off and throws down the violin and bow sulking

"I want him to smiled" Elias said

Ezekiel looked at him recognizing that look in his eyes

"I want to see him smile I want to play for him when he can't play for himself I want to play with him so I won't give up I won't give up"

Looking at him Ezekiel felt as though he was looking at himself.

Back in his past life in he used stay with a lot of kids so whenever a TV was granted to them it was hard to watch something himself, but one day a child played the piano at donation conferences the child was his age but yet he played the piano with such emotions and grace and he personally had given him a violin even if he didn't remember their encounter he did and he never forget he didn't had anyone to teach him but he learned somehow and he was declared a prodigy.

Ezekiel knows he won't give up and Ezekiel wasn't giving up on him but he was just not cut out for a violin Ezekiel went to his music case,

"Your not cut for a violin you can't play but I've something else"

"I don't want a piano or a tuba" he said

"I'd never teach you the piano" Ezekiel said coldly.

Ezekiel will never listen to another who plays the piano that felt like disrespecting his crush he'd never acknowledge another who plays the piano because only his first love made his heart fluttered, many had asked him to do a piano duet with him but he always refused.

"Ah here" he said

Elias looked and so did Yvette

"where is the bow and I thought you said I wasn't cut out for the violin" Elias said

"It's not a violin it's a guitar the problem is you don't know how to use the bow and your fingers are itching to play and so the guitar will help"

"Hmp whatever" Elias said

"Master Elias think about how happy he will  be"

"Eli is so amazing here's a kiss"

"I'll do it" Elias said excitingly

'He's such a bro-con is that even healthy' Ezekiel though

'Hook line and sinker' Yvette said

"Now watch closely" Ezekiel said

Ezekiel fixed the guitar strings then started to play.

The melody from the guitar was amazing that Elias immediately became entrapped in the melody but what annoyed him was the fact that this guy was on par with his brother.

 I became a side villain but I don't mind a bad ending [Bl] (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now