Ch. 4 - Partners

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"IT WAS..OKAY," I told my parents as I made myself a snack.

"Oh no. That means it was terrible, wasn't it?" My mother asked as worry consumed her face.

We were FaceTiming, and my parents were sitting on the couch at home. My mother had her long light brown hair in a ponytail. Her soft brown eyes were filled with concern. My father sat right next to her. His black hair now has some gray in it, and his light blue eyes looked tired.

"It wasn't terrible. I made a friend," I replied as I grabbed a bag of chips of out the pantry. "And I signed up for ice hockey."

Their eyes widen, but the difference was excitement from Dad and fear from Mom.

"I love ice hockey. It's a very competitive sport," Dad told me with a clasp of his hands. "I watch with David all the time."

David is Dad's best friend. They work together in the hospital.

"But it's very brutal," Mom objected with a shake of her head.

"Mom, I played football which is also brutal. I have try outs Friday after school, and I probably won't even get anyways," I replied before eating a chip.

My phone buzzed, and I saw that it was Jordan calling me.

"Hey, guys, Jordan is calling. Is it okay if I call you guys later before I go to bed?" I asked my parents.

They nodded, and they said,"Love you."

"Love you guys, too," I replied before I answered Jordan call.

Her face popped up on my phone, and she was getting something out of her teeth.  When she realized I was on the phone, she jumped back quickly.

"Oh my gosh. You scared the shit out of me," Jordan told me, making me laugh.

"Sorry," I apologized, sitting down on the couch.

Jordan's dark brown hair sat on her shoulders, and her brown eyes were looking at me with curiosity. She had on makeup, but she didn't need it. She was already beautiful.

"So, how was your first day at that private school? Is it like Gossip Girl?" Jordan asked me as she plopped down on her bed.

Her band posters were hanging on the walls like usual.

"It was okay, and it's nothing like Gossip Girl," I answered with a shrug.

She groaned before asking,"Are you sure? Because when I come visit you next month and I see a cute guy, I'm going to hit you upside the head."

This past summer Jordan had an awful break up with her ex boyfriend, Ashton. He wouldn't go to Jordan's soccer games, but instead, go hang out with his ex and his friends. He wouldn't answer Jordan's calls or texts for hours, but if Jordan did that to him, he would flip out on her. Safe to say he was extremely toxic.

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