Ch. 34 - Attack

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IT'S THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS EVE, and I was fitting in my tux to make sure it fit

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IT'S THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS EVE, and I was fitting in my tux to make sure it fit. My Mom was checking it and making sure everything was fine.

Yes, I am attending the charity event tomorrow night.

And yes the plan is going down tomorrow night.

"You sure you don't want to come with us to dinner?" Mom asked for the fifth time since I declined her offer at lunch.

"I'm positive, Mom. I can't eat right now or else I might just puke it back up afterwards," I replied as she fixed my sleeve.

"Everything is going to go according to plan, Micheal. You need to stop stressing," Mom assured me, making me nod.

"I'm not stressing," I shot back, making her roll her eyes like she didn't believe me.

For the next ten minutes, neither one of us talked. She finished fixing up my tux, and after she was done, she left the room so I could get changed back in my regular clothes.

I put the tux back on a hanger, and I hung it on my closet door. Then I decided to sit on my bed. I pulled my phone from my pocket, and I opened my text messages. I clicked on Damien's contact, and I started to type a message to him.

Damien <3

im nervous about tomorrow night.

I sent the message, and I waited for him to reply. Within a few minutes, he opened the message.

Then a three little bubbles appeared to indicate that he was responding back. But then all of sudden, they disappeared. I frowned, and I waited a few more minutes. But he never responded back which is unlike Damien.

Maybe he is in the middle of something. Or maybe he is near his parents. What if they hurt him again? What if he's in pain right now?

I took a deep breath to calm myself down. I'm not going to jump to conclusions because if I do, I'll freak out.

I put my phone on the nightstand table, and I laid back in my bed, exhausted. Just twenty-four hours until everything will be better.

Twenty-four more hours until Damien and I can be together without any problems.

I smiled to myself at the thought of us being together again.

Before I knew it, I drifted off to a peaceful sleep.


I awoke to a loud crash. I jumped out of bed, and I looked around my room. Everything seemed to be in place. I noticed it was night time outside. I looked at my nightstand table to see a note from Campbell.

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