Ch. 27 - "I love you."

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With school work, ice hockey games, and what's going on with Brody and the trial, my body and my mind are beyond exhausted.

It's a week after what happened, and I'm resting in my bed since I have nothing to do today. It's actually the first day I got a break from hockey games.

Whenever I told my parents what happened with Brody on the ice, they wanted to drop everything and fly out here.

But I assured them that I was fine, and it was only minor injuries.

"Campbell, how dare you wake me up from my nap," I said in the phone, laying in my bed under the blanket.

"Because, dear brother of mine, I want to talk to you," she replied, cheerfully which made me groan.

"Couldn't you have called Nick of Elliot or one of the twins? Or, maybe, I don't know...your boyfriend?"

"Well, Brent is studying for a test right now, and I like talking to you. You're my favorite brother," Campbell replied, sweetly.

A little too sweet, in my opinion.

"What do you want?" I suddenly asked her, making her scoff.

"Why do I have to want something?"

"Campbell..." I said her name in a sing song voice.

She sighed, giving up,"Okay, so..if I tell you, you can't tell anybody until I know for sure."

The worry in her voice made me shoot straight up in my bed. Something is wrong, and she's scared.

"What's wrong, Campbell?"

"There is a huge possibility that I...," she drawled, trying to keep her voice stable,"..can't have kids."

My eyes widen at the news as sadness crept up on me. Campbell may only be in her second year of college, but kids have always been in her future. Heck, she's becoming a pediatrician because she loves kids so much.

Hearing that she might not be able to have kids is literally heartbreaking to her and everybody around her.

Including me.

"Oh, Campbell, I'm so sorry," I told her, softly, as she sniffled.

"Nobody knows, Micheal. Not even Brent. I don't know how I'm suppose to tell him about this. What if he breaks up with me?" She rambled before continuing,"Oh God. What if he stays with me? Could you imagine the pain he would feel seeing everybody around him having kids except him? I can't do that to him, Micheal."

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