Ch. 32 - My Person

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I STOOD IN THE KITCHEN, looking at my phone, wishing it would ring with Damien's name

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I STOOD IN THE KITCHEN, looking at my phone, wishing it would ring with Damien's name.

It has been a week since I haven't seen and talked to Damien. During the week, my parents and I have devised a plan to get them out of their father's hold.

Turns out with a little bit of research and sources, you learn a lot about somebody.

Sara White, aka the twins' mother, has a sister named Charlie. The two haven't been on speaking terms since Sara had the twins.
My mother had some help, and she found a Dr. Charlie White in Manhattan. My mother and father talked to her in person yesterday, and some things were revealed.

First, if something were to happen to Sara and Aaron Chase, Charlie would have guardianship over them. This was done in private, meaning that Aaron didn't know nothing about it.

And that brings us to the second revelation.

Aaron restricted Charlie from seeing Sara or the twins. According to Charlie, Aaron used to beat Sara before she got pregnant and afterwards also. There is also a bunch of proof that Mom said would hold up in court.

And as long as Damien and Lucy testify against  their father, he will be put away for a very long time. No money will bail him out this time.

But we have a minor inconvenience.

Charlie informed my parents that she works all the time with surgeries. She works odd hours, and majority of the days, she isn't even home.

This means that the twins' won't have a constant person at home, and even though they are sixteen about to be seventeen, the judge might put them into a foster home where there is an adult home everyday.

It's a huge risk, but this is the only way to get them out of that house.

"Micheal!" Campbell exclaimed, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I rubbed my eyes, exhausted from the lack of sleep and the amount of stress. I looked down to see that I overfilled my cup of coffee. Coffee was all over the countertop and the floor.

"Shit," I mumbled under my breath.

I grabbed paper towels, and I cleaned up the mess. Campbell helped me, silently, but I knew she wanted to talk to me. She is debating on whether or not to ask.

To me, she's an open book.

Even when she first came into my life, I knew something happened to her. You could tell she was abused, but nobody believed that it could be true.

"I'm fine, Cam," I assured her, not wanting to wait any longer.

"Micheal, you look exhausted. You need to go get some sleep and stop drinking coffee," Campbell replied, softly.

I looked at her with a shake of my head. "I'm fine, really. How are you doing?"

I changed the subject to her last doctor's appointment. I already knew what happened, but I needed her to focus on herself instead of me.

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