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I sighed and dropped the last box on the other pile. I stared at all the packed boxes on the floor and then turned to look around the living room. I couldn't believe we were leaving, my dad and I. It was a small apartment but there were so many sweet memories shared in it and I wouldn't want to leave if my dad didn't get a job in another state. A new job that could change our lives.

I was ready to bear all the consequences that came with moving; starting afresh, new home, new school, making new friends. The last part was going to be hard but I was willing to do anything for my dad.

You might be wondering why I haven't mentioned my mom. Well she left. She left when I was ten and she promised to come back after a few years but I was going to be 17 in a few weeks and she still wasn't back. 

According to her, she couldn't take it anymore; the suffering, the struggle, the mental stress, she couldn't take not being able to provide for her child let alone provide for herself. My dad didn't have a great job before so we had to manage the little we had. My mom thought she had to find another way out for us and that was why she went back to college, so she could finish her education and get a good job.

So no, she didn't leave out of spite or because she didn't love me or my dad. She left for us.
Although my dad had to struggle to cater for me, I was happy he was able to get me to the stage I was and even though I was angry at my mom for leaving and not returning as planned, I was old enough to understand.

"i know..." My dad's voice brought me out of my thoughts as he caught me staring at the house, "I will miss it too" he smiled at me.

I walked up to him and hugged him. Just then, my phone beeped in my pocket. I pulled away quickly, recalling that I had to meet up with Cole.

"Dad, I have to meet up with Cole and Krystal" I checked my phone and saw a message from Cole saying he was waiting.

"Layla" he drawled

"I have to say goodbye dad" I told him, backing away towards the door.

"Don't take long" he encouraged

"I won't" I waved him off and hurried out.

Cole was my boyfriend. Although we had only be dating for three months, we had been friends since middle school.
On the other hand, Krystal was my best friend. Well I wouldn't exactly say best friend because we had only known each other for two months, unlike Cole and I. Making friends was not very easy for me but somehow, Krystal and I managed to get along so well. She was the closest thing I had to a sister.

As I approached the venue, I dreaded everything that was going to happen. Saying goodbye was harder than I imagined. When I first told Cole I was moving, he was so hurt but he understood. Somehow I knew long distance relationship would be hard but I was willing to try because I love him.

My feet came to a sudden halt when my eyes caught something ahead. it was Cole and Krystal standing in front of our favorite restaurant, which was weird because I had only planned to meet with Cole there. I shrugged it off but the moment I saw Cole kiss Krystal on the lips, my whole demeanor changed. My blood immediately ran cold and my lips parted in shock. The shock was then followed by a sharp squeeze of my heart.

I watched them as they smiled at eachother before Krystal left him there. Tears welled up in my eyes so fast, blurring out my vision as a million thoughts ran through my head. Feeling ultimately betrayed, I turned around to go back home but then I paused.

No. I had to confront him, confirm what I saw. Walking away was not an option because then, I would have unanswered questions in my head forever.
So I turned back around, blinked to clear my vision and marched up to him.

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