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My chest tightened.

My heart squeezed inside my chest at the sight of him. All of a sudden, it looked like the oxygen was sucked out of the room and I was left suffocating.

"Layla" he uttered equally shocked as well to see me. His voice reminded me of the pain I had come to forget a little, his face bringing back a rush of memories.

Krystal, with her almost horrified expression, turned around to look at Cole as he walked forward and stood by her.

"I didn't expect to see you here" he said, leaving me baffled.

"I should be the one making that statement, what are you doing here?" I asked, pushing past my pain and anger. I still couldn't wrap my head around how and why they were here.

Krystal looked at Cole again, as if seeking permission to speak. My heart ached just watching them standing together. They reminded me of how I would never trust anyone ever again.

"Its complicated" he finally answered after a moment of silence.

"What do I care, its none of my buisness" I dismissed quickly and turned around to walk away but I felt a hand hold me back.

"Let go of me" I instantly whipped my hand from Cole's grasp.

"Do you want something?" Suddenly Brad was beside me, his deep masculine voice low, demanding, and dangerous. Threatening even. I stared at him, surprised and confused as to why he was trying to help me. His eyes were narrowed at the both of them and I could have sworn, I saw Krystal back away slightly behind Cole.

"And who are you" Cole's attention shifted to Brad and they stared at each other as if trying to win a staring competition. I just watched the both of them before suddenly, Cole's eyes widened. He then looked at me, shocked.

Okay what the hell was going on here,  I thought.

I was still confused as to what weird internal battle was going on between the both of them when Brad unexpectedly grabbed my hand.

"Come, I'll take you home" I stayed calm and quiet as he gently dragged me out of the kitchen, through the noisy living room and then out of the house towards a black car.

"Get in" he said and was turning around to go enter the drivers seat.

"Excuse me?" I had to rethink if I heard correctly because that sounded very well like a command.
He paused halfway and looked back at me.

"I want to take you home" he simply said.

"I don't need your help, I can take care of myself" I informed him.

"You have no way of getting home" he argued.

"I'll go get Ashley and Gia to take me home" I told him, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I'm sure they're already fucking by now, they usually do that" I cringed at his vulgar statement. What was more surprising was how he said it like it was the most normal thing to say.

I stayed silent for a while contemplating on what next to do, then he sighed.

"Just let me drop you off at home" he said it somewhat politely this time so with one last thought, I opened the car door and got in.

The journey home was silent. I spent the entire time wondering why Cole was here. Why at that party? Was he following me? No, he couldn't. He wouldn't. He made it abundantly clear he didnt love me. He did look surprised though.

The car came to a stop in front of my house. I was hesitant for a bit before I said 'thank you' and was about to open the door.

"Wait" he said stopping me. "Are you okay?" I wasn't okay but I couldn't tell him that.

"I'm fine" I simply said.

"You don't look fine" he disagreed. "Who was he?" I whipped my head around and stared at him, feeling defensive all of a sudden.

"I appreciate your help really, but I don't owe you any answers or explanations" I said as a matter of factly. I didn't wait for his response before I opened the door and got out of the car.

My dad welcomed me, not bothering to scold me for going past my curfew. After we said our goodnights, I cleaned up and changed into my nightwear before slumping down on my bed.

I tried to sleep but I couldn't feel it. I kept tossing and turning on my bed, random thoughts popping in and out of my head.  I groaned in despair after so much struggling and got out of bed. It was past eleven already.

I walked to my window to stare at the night sky, maybe that would make me fall asleep. Suddenly a movement caught my eye and when I looked properly, I saw the big brown wolf. It was staring at me.

Startled, I backed away from my window. I then quickly rushed out of my room towards the front door but when I opened the door and checked the surrounding, it was gone.

Was I hallucinating? Or was that real?

The next morning, I got down from the bus and headed towards the school building but my steps halted because I was greeted with the presence of Krystal. Her facial expression twisted to resemble a pleading look as she waited for me to approach where she was, seaming that way was leading to the entrance of the school.

I took in a deep breath and starting walking towards the entrance totally ignoring her.

"Layla" she called but I ignored her and walked past her.

"Layla, I need to talk to you" still ignored her.

"Layla please" she held my hand, pulling me to face her.

"What? What do you want?" My voice went up the roof, attracting a few stares.

"Please just hear me out" I bit the insides of my cheeks while trying to stay calm.


"I'm sorry Layla" her words together with her voice irritated me instantly.

"You're sorry?" I asked, "if this is what you came here to tell me, you're wasting your time. I will never forgive you" I tried to keep my voice calm.

"Layla, you don't understand. I'm not the bad person" she said. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Unbelievable.
"I'm not what you think I am, and neither is Brad" At that moment, I think my anger doubled over.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I asked. She was silent for a few seconds.

"I can't tell you" i shook my head, feeling more and more disappointed. Ofcourse she couldn't.

"Screw you!" I Spat. Then I turned around and started walking away.

"Layla please you have to believe me" her voice echoed behind me as I walked into the building and made my way to the bathroom.

I dumped my bag on the sink and stared at myself in the mirror. I watched my chest rise and fall due to my ragged breathing. I couldn't hold it in anymore so I let it out.

I broke down in tears. For the second time since my breakup, I cried my eyes out. Even though a part of me knew I shouldn't waste my tears on him, I still couldn't stop myself.

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